Football Tryouts

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Yesterday at school was the same old thing again. Mark going to all his classes getting good scores. Jack being hit on constantly, it was just getting really annoying and creepy at this point. But he still didn't tell Mark. Throughout all yesterday Mark can see Jackson always next to Jack.

He thought it was weird but he didn't confront them, he wanted Jack to have new friends.

Thursday, 7:10AM

Mark and Jack were in first period, the teacher still made Mark sit away from his boyfriend. It was stupid and pathetic, it would prove no point or change their sexuality. But the bastard still did it anyways.

After class Mark walked up to Jack at his locker again. "Hey babe?"

Jack faced him with a small smile "What's up?"

"I was thinking about, joining the football team. Do you think I should try out?"

Jack smiled widely "Yeah! You should! Haha this will be fun for you"

"Thanks babe, I just wasn't sure before. I've been thinking about trying out for a while now"

"When are tryouts?"

"Today at lunch in the football field"

"Do you want me to go with ya babe? I can go with you if you want"

"Nah I'll be fine Seán, I promise"

Jack smiled softly letting Mark know it was okay. He kissed him goodbye and left to second period. The bell rang, Jack was already late to class.

Walking inside he sat down next to his assigned seat next to Zachary. "What's up, Jack?"

Jacks eyes widened, he actually didn't hit on him this time. It was strange. He wasn't going to be rude to him so he responded like a normal human being.
"Umm...Mark, my boyfriend. Is trying out for the football team at lunch...that's pretty cool. What about you?"

"Nothing much, you know same old, same old. You going to the party this Friday night?" He asked politely.

"Yeah actually, Mark and I are going. You're going?"

"Yep, it's going to be fucking awesome"

Later ~

Lunch time finally came around. Jack leaned against the wall Mark and him would always meet at. Mark came running up to Jack with a smile kissing him on his lips. "I'm off to tryouts"

"Good luck baby, you can do it"

"You think so?"

"Mark, you're a fuckin werewolf, of course you can. If you feel nervous know that I believe in ya, you can do anything" Jack said kindly.

Mark put his hands on Jacks hips then kissed him passionately having the other kiss back roughly. From a few feet away Zachary was walking towards their way with his black hoodie over his head.

The wolf smiled then walked off to the field for try outs. Jack sat down on the floor with his bag next to him, he put his legs up to his chest. From up ahead the male took off his hoodie and walked towards Jack. Sitting next to him, Jack looked at him strangely.

"Hey" Zachary said.

"Erm umm...hey?"

"I know this is weird, but I just wanted to give you some company since Mark left. I wouldn't want you to feel alone" Zachary said in a kind soft tone. When Zachary's voice wasn't saying stupid shit, he sounded so sweet.

Jack blushed a little. "Thanks, Zachary"

Zachary sighed softly "Jack, I'm sorry about before, I was being a total asshole. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I hope that we can be friends, I know you have a boyfriend, and I'll respect that" He said to Jack trying to gain some friendship.

Jack was a loving person, he liked giving people the benefit of the doubt. So he was happy that Zachary was treating him better. "It's okay, thank you for apologizing. And yes haha we can be friends"

He smiled happily, Jack smiled with him. Zachary's smile for some reason made Jack blush, he had this kind of charm to him when he was nice.

Meanwhile ~

"Alright! I want you all to run around the football field three times! First one to make it back gets 15 points" The coach yelled out "Go!"

With that Mark and another ten high schoolers started running. Marks was in the middle, not last or in the lead. After the first lap he started running a bit faster almost in the lead. He can hear the others heartbeats going wild, his own heartbeat was stable. He wasn't tired yet.

On the second lap two teens stopped and didn't make the team. Once the second lap ended this was the final lap. Marks eyes turned yellow, now he started going as fast as he can. Mark picked up his pace passing all the others. Looking behind him the teens were far behind. Reaching the end the coach looked at him surprised that he made it this far.

Marks heartbeat was still stable, he wasn't panting or anything he was just fine. His eyes then turned back to normal.

Once all the teens finished the coach told the last five teens they didn't make it. There was only four teens left including himself.

After the run, the coach made the four do many more drills until the lunch bell rang. Luckily the coach said that they all passed. Mark was so happy, he couldn't wait until he told Jack.

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