Leaving An Old Life Behind

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An hour has passed since Mark came back, Jack explained everything along with multiple meaningful apologies. Mark understood every word and accepted his apologies. But right now all Mark wants to talk about is Hell.

"Jack, during the time I was gone, I was in hell"

Jack stares into his eyes with disbelief "No...how is that even possible?" Mark shakes his head side to side with tears in them "We just found out that demons exist, Seán. It wouldn't be crazy to think heaven and hell exist to"

The vampire puts his hands through his hair slowly trying his best to think "So if heaven and hell exist, then does that mean Angels exist to? That, there's a God and a Devil?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. All I know is that when I die I'm gonna go straight to Hell and I don't know why" he admits sadly letting his tears fall "Seán, it was fucking horrible in that place, I never felt so hopeless and scared in my life"

Jack puts his hand on top of Marks squeezing it "We can fix this" Mark doesn't respond, he's too busy thinking in his own head, a few seconds pass and Marks eyes go wide "What if it's Tony?"

His partner gives him a confused look "Tony? Why would she have anything to do with this?"

"A long time ago she told me once that she had access to very dark, horrible places. She never said that it was Hell but what if that's what she was talking about?" Mark pushes Jacks hand away from his as he stands up quickly leaning against a wall "What if that bitch was able to send us down there when we die just to get back at us?!"

Jack stands up while crossing his arms, shaking his head side to side "Mark that's insane-"

"Tony's fucking insane Seán!" The wolf barks at Jack making him jump in fear at his loud voice. "We should be leaving town anyway, Seán. When I seen yo-Anti....having sex with another person I went downstairs and beat someone to death while everyone recorded it. Once I got outside I turned by accident with some people behind me still recording without me knowing it"

Jack doesn't speak, so much is going through his head. "Jack by now almost everyone has seen that fucking video, more hunters are gonna be coming after us left and right. It's not safe here anymore, we gotta leave this place behind"

"Mark we can't just leave, our whole lives have been here" Mark scampers toward Jack grabbing onto both his hands holding them tightly yet softly "Yes we can, we have to. Once we leave this place we find Tony, then we can go somewhere far, far away were it's safe"

Jack closes his eyes letting out a sigh "Okay....." Mark nods letting go of Jacks hands letting them fall to his sides "Let's pack our clothes, grab Chica and go, sound like a plan?" Mark suggests waiting for Jacks approval. Jack nods and quickly heads toward his room to get all his things together with Mark following right behind him.

Time Skip 2:10 AM ~

Everything they need is in the car, Mark in the drivers seat with Jack in the passenger holding Chica wrapped in a soft blanket. "Before we leave, we gotta find Paige first" Jack snaps his head to his left looking Mark in the eyes "Why? Hasn't that poor women done enough for us already?"

Mark looks down at his lap then back up at Jack sighing "Yeah she has, but I need her to do a locator spell to find, Tony" the vampire frowns and looks down at Chica watching her sleep since he knows deep down that he doesn't have a say in any of this. Mark turns his key starting up the car, he pulls out of his parking space quickly driving away from the large house that held so many bad and good memories that'll just stay there forever.

After half an hour of driving Mark parks his car in the same spot where he parked before. "Leave Chica in the car, this won't take long" Jack gets out the car and places the pup gently down on his seat closing the door quietly as possible. Mark closes his door quickly after his partner and looks up to see the mountain where Paige's home is.

"Mark I'm not half wolf anymore, I don't know if I can make it up that mountain"

"Okay um...you stay here with Chica then, I'll be back soon" Jack nods and goes back inside the car putting Chica back on his lap. Mark takes a few steps backwards and sprints towards the mountain jumping up high as he can. Both hands are gripped strongly onto some rocks holding him up as he grows out his long wolf claws digging them into the rocks keeping him more steady. Learning from Jacks mistakes the last time he was here he starts climbing the mountain at his own pace not rushing himself.

Making it to the top he speed walks over to her front door knocking on it waiting for an answer. Seconds pass and she answers with very tired eyes. "Mark, it's very late what are you doing here?"

"I need a favor" Mark states in a pleading tone of voice "What do you need?" She asks in annoyance "All I need is a locator spell that's all, I promise"

The witch sighs while opening her door wide open letting him walk inside. "Do you have anything that belongs to the person we're trying to find? Hair, blood, or finger nail?" Mark digs into his pocket pulling out a folded napkin, unfolding it there's a single hair. "This belongs to the hybrid, Tony"

Paige's eyes widen like she seen a ghost "The girl that made Jack a hybrid?"

"That would be her"

"I thought she was dead" Paige says sternly with a bit of anger in her voice. "It's a long story that I don't have time to explain, just please find her I'll tell you everything later"

"I understand" Paige says as she grabs onto the hair holding it in the palm of her hands walking over toward a black table with a world wide map on it with a little bit of sand in the middle. She closes her eyes mumbling multiple foreign words under her lips, the sand forms in a line going across the map to stop at the sound of silence once Paige stops.

"Tony's in, Canada"

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