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Nene stared into the round tank on her dresser, the black and gold fish swimming gracefully past the little decorations she'd bought.

She remembered yesterday when he was escorting her home.

She didn't know when he started holding her hand, whether it was from the little grass patch or after they'd took off back. She didn't know, but she welcomed the safe feeling of his hand, the hand that had taken so many lives; but she didn't care about that. It was an endearing warmth. His callous hands and fingertips, the tight yet comfortable grip, the way his hand completely encloses her smaller one. The slight brushing of their shoulders or arms as they walked, they were all significant to Nene.

"I'll be away for a bit, but I'll try and visit once. Other than that, you won't be seeing me for a while, I have an important job." He interrupted the gentle silence that surrounded them on the cold and empty streets. She glanced at him quickly before asking a burning question that had been at her mind for quite a while.

"What is it? These jobs?"

"Hm... Well they used to be from the Harusame... but it got a little chaotic and I'm acting on my own now, with my division backing me -not that I need it." He explained vaguely, she already knew he was a Harusame pirate, her look of, 'carry on I'm listening' seemed to do the trick, "Now I'm indebted to this guy called Shinsuke. I'm helping him assassinate the Shogun or something." He explained further, giving out some pretty darn valuable information to the right person.

Because she wasn't normal, she wasn't going to report this to the authorities or whatever, in fact she was pretty neutral about the whole thing, she wasn't going to interfere in his job. That would be rude. "You are? Good luck." -See, she was pretty insane herself. He didn't even threaten her to hold her tongue, he trusts her enough- or trusts her mental state enough.

"I don't need luck. I just wanna fight someone strong." He grinned like a feral beast, something that should of put Nene off, nope, she found it cute. Of course. When his eyes had that childish yet murderous look, she couldn't help but feel like she was looking at a lion cub excited to hunt for the first time. Which was pretty much a perfect analogy.

"I hope there's someone to peak your interest." She smiled, despite discreetly conversing about him slaughtering a lot of people. She was weird, he could agree on that. "And after your work?"

"I'll be leaving for a few months again, this time I probably won't be coming back for a while." He answered nonchalantly, even though Nene's heart almost stopped beating.

She had to learn how to survive without him sure, but this time it's around a month away with perhaps one visit, and the next it's over three months... or so. She wasn't sure on how she was going to survive.

He was already gone, she missed him already. She even missed him when he left last night.

Deciding to pass the time, she ordered for a bunch of manga to be bought for her to read... Though some of them were a little on the shoddy side or too-much-fanservice, I'm talking to you 'HoLoveRu'. Nevertheless, she enjoyed the manga over the few weeks she'd read them in.

Now she didn't feel in the mood for anything.

Although she was woken up with a big hurray and congratulations, a cake in bed even, her birthday was different without her parents, sure, but she wanted Kamui to be with her, splashing her face with water and laughing at her, lighting her birthday candles and sharing cake with her... She wanted to see him so badly.

Handed present after present, Nene spend most of the day relaxing, eating grand meals and opening small gifts from the staff. The best present, yet to come.

Sighing, she watched as the sky turned a dark navy and the stars and moon began to shine down onto her. She was so focused on the stars and constellations that she didn't manage to sense the person behind her, only when she felt something move through her hair and hold something up against her ear, did she shriek and jump away. Well she tried anyway, the person behind her wrapped a hand around her mouth and pulled her head back into his chest, she instantly recognised the character and was so happy she almost felt herself tear up.

Then she moved a hand over to his and whatever he was holding, he dropped it in her hand and she got a good look. It was an earring, it wasn't diamonds and emeralds but jewel-like and pretty. She had no idea where Kamui'd gotten these from and wasn't going to bother asking, if you're so desperate to know, it was Abuto.
As soon as she received the gift, she'd been telling him how she loved them over and over again, thanking him and happily fiddling with them, loving the soft feeling of the strings and the cute stones.

Quickly taking her original ones out, she handed them to Kamui to hold for the second while she put in his, she didn't know what they looked like, but she loved them in spite of appearance. With a wide smile, she jumped on him and tackled him to the ground in a -bear- tight hug -already tackling him to the ground was a hard feat-. She was knelt between his legs, hugging his neck, scared to let go and watch him leave again.

She could feel his hands on her hips, his legs slowly cross themselves over behind her; whereas she had one hand tangled into his hair and the other rested on his shoulder blade, holding his tightly.

She was going to give him every hug he deserved, even hugs he didn't.

After a few minutes, she moved her arms from his neck and instead wrapped them around his torso, "Thank you for my birthday present." she whispered once more, "Though just your presence alone is the best gift." She looked up at him with a faint pink on her cheeks, she wasn't even aware of him knowing about her birthday at all, but she was overjoyed to see him here.

"I overheard some of your servants talking about it." He replied quietly, his face and hers only centimetres apart as he leant down towards her. She looked at him with a different gleam in her eyes from last time, which compelled him to lower his head further.

She felt his lips lightly brush against hers and was about to get swallowed by the moment when a sudden gruff voice called out, "Danchou..."

Gintama - Morning's Glory {Kamui X OC}Where stories live. Discover now