Chapter Two

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3rd POV

One stormy night after a few year had passed since the massacre, a shadow rushed through the forest, desperate to reached a special clearing. His secret family was no longer safe. His eyes blaze red as he pushed off a branch with such force that he was now flying through the trees. There was no way that they could have been discovered so easily, but he had to make sure they were safe.

His daughter was only 11 years old.

He had finally reached the clearing but he was not prepared to see what had been awaiting him. The clearing showed signs of a major battle. His sharingan scanned the clearing trying to see if he could see anything out of the ordinary. However everything was quiet like the animals in the area had fled during the battle.

As soon as he was sure no one was around him. He rushed inside the house at the end of the clearing. Blood was everywhere and his heart broke when he saw his beloved wife's body leading out to the back door. Her eyes were lifeless as he crouch to her level and held her in his arms. Tears were running down his cheeks. After several moments he realized there was a body missing. He quickly went to bury his wife and began looking around the house. He knew his wife would try to hide their daughter from their enemies.

As he reached the secret hideout. He noticed that the door was ajar. There was no sign of a tiny chakra or anyone. His daughter must have escaped. His mind refusing to think otherwise.

He went back out to the new grave outback in the forest. He stared down at the makeshift tombstone for his wife.

I will find our daughter, before I die. I promise you that Hanahime. Just look after her, protect her until I find her." he whispered softly.

Suddenly he heard the sound of a twig snapping behind him. Without a second thought he threw his kunai in the direction he had heard the sound.

"Woah Itachi. It's just me." a voice rung out clearly annoyed before stepping out the cover of trees. A man with blue skin and had a shark appearance stood before the man known as Itachi.

"What do you want Kisame?" He asked activating his sharingan before facing him.

"We have a new mission. What are you doing here anyways? I saw the cottage. Looks like there was a huge fight." he said grinning.
Itachi's gaze harden. "What do you know about that fight?"

"None, just wishing I had been here to see it. Whatever the objective of that fight was. They didn't go down without a fight. Someone that strong could have been useful to us."

Itachi looked away. Why hadn't he thought of bringing his family with him? They could have been better protected. Hanahime wouldn't be dead. She would have been taking care of their daughter at the hideout while he went on the missions.

No... he knew deep down that it was better they didn't come with him to the hideout.

He sighs before speaking.

"Let's go finish our mission then."

The Life of Itachi's Daughter: Book 1 [UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now