Chapter 17

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3rd POV:
The forest had darkened, as the fight came to an end. The pink haired girl looked around her in bewilderment. She was the only one standing while her teammates were taken down. She felt an overwhelming sense of guilt as once again she felt useless and couldn't help her team. She did her best with what Mizuki had taught her but it was not enough. She had no idea how she was going to get her team to safety when they were all knocked out. Her mind filled with Orochirmaru last words to her. "He'll seek me out should he survive. I would say both of them but I don't believe that she will wake up."
She lightly slapped her cheeks to stop herself from replaying the events of the fight. How she could have been better. Now was not the time. I couldn't protect them or help them. The least I can do is figure out how to get them out of here so they can recover and wake up. They will wake up, I know it! She thought to herself as she grabbed onto Naruto before pulling the kunai free and jumped down next to Sasuke and Mizuki and laid Naruto next to Mizuki.
How can I get them to safety? I don't want to leave them here defenseless. She thought to herself, trying to come up with a plan when the sound of twigs snapping snapped her out of her thoughts.
She whirls around pulling a kunai out to protect herself and her team,only to see Lee behind her with his hands up as if surrendering. She almost faltered, relieved to see a familiar face when she composed herself. Remembering that she's not in a safe place and Familiar faces can be deceiving. Steeling her nerves, she grips the kunai and yells.
"Stay away!"
"Sakura, I mean no harm. I wish to help you." Lee said, "I promise we won't attack you."
"We?" she asked and two other people dropped down behind Lee. A guy with long hair and a scowl on his face and a girl with two buns. The girl stared at Sakura apologetically as she looked over at her fallen comrades.
She could feel sweat starting to form behind her neck as she realized that she was outnumbered. Her team unconscious behind her.
"Lee, she clearly doesn't want any help. Let us go, we don't have time for this." the guy with long hair stated, clearly annoyed as his eyes scanned the area around her before landing on the unconscious bodies behind her.
"Come on, Neji. We should try to help them." the girl chimed in which seemed to make him even more crossed before Neji looked at Sakura.
"Last chance, we will help you find shelter after that you are on your own. We don't have all day." the guy with long hair stated, his expression firm.
"We promise we will not harm you. We are only here to help." Lee repeats to her which breaks through her guard as she lowers her kunai and nods. She had no choice, she needed the help. But she was going to make sure she was ready to defend herself even if she wouldn't win the fight.
The long haired guy frowned, almost annoyed that she had accepted their help while Lee made his way to Naruto and slumped him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing. Neji walked over to Mizuki and picked her up. He seemed to have a permanent scowl on his face. She couldn't understand Mizuki's interest when she ran after him on their way to take the first exam.  He doesn't seem to be too approachable yet he was helping and she was going to accept it. Maybe Mizuki knew something about him than meets the eye.
She bent down to grab Sasuke pulling his arm over her shoulder just as the girl with the buns helped her, draping his other arm over her shoulder as they all hauled into the forest. We will make it out of here.
~Time Skip~
Mizuki's POV:
I opened my eyes to sunlight beaming down at me through the leaves. I looked around as my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I noticed movement and I looked over to see a blob of dark hair and pink hair. I blinked several times before my vision cleared and I saw Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto staring at me. I fought the urge to scramble away from them when Sakura placed a hand to my forehead. Her touch was cool against my skin.
"You still have a fever but you're awake so that's good." She smiled, and it took me a moment to realize her hair was different.
"What happened to your hair?" I asked, as I tried to sit up. I felt a hand on my back making me look around to see Sasuke. He had a stoic expression that made me almost smile. I tried to pull myself up just as Sakura started talking.
"It's a long story-" she started to say only for Sasuke to grab my hands pulling me to my feet.
I was still wobbly and it felt like my body was fighting to stand. I could still feel the toll my body endured from the battle. How long ago was that? I could barely remember, it felt like I've been sleeping for ages.
I took a few deep breaths as I fought through the ache in the back of my neck. When I noticed that there was something different about them two but my mind quickly disregarded that thought when I saw Kabuto behind my team. I felt myself stiffen as I stared at him, I hadn't realized we weren't alone. They didn't seem worried yet I don't know why I felt so uneasy. His gaze met mine almost as if calculating me. However, that gaze was quickly replaced by that of a bubbly expression. I almost questioned whether I had actually seen what I had. Almost, but there was something about him that I didn't trust. I just couldn't place it or figure out why.
I looked around to see we were really close to the red tower. We just needed to walk through the forest and we would be all set. But do we have the scrolls and why was he here?
As if noticing my gaze, Kabuto spoke up.
"Your team managed to get both scrolls, however we wanted to give you as much time to wake up as all members of the team must be conscious and present in order to pass the exam." He said, with a smile.
"Then you should probably go and find your team." I mentioned as I turned towards the Red Tower.
"Thanks for all your help, Kabuto!" Naruto said with a huge smile, snapping my focus to him. I felt the pain subside as I looked over at Naruto. He really did see the good in everyone, even if they hated him. He just accepted it.
"It was nothing, you guys did all the work I merely offered support. See you guys later. I'm afraid Mizuki's right. I need to find my team. Time is almost up." he said with a smile.
I frowned as I turned my back and started walking towards the tower. I had enough of his presence. I felt someone running to catch up and saw Sakura come up beside me. Her expression is full of concern.
"What is it?" I asked her, confused about her demeanor.
"Are you really okay?" she asked me, her gaze searching.
"I could be better but nothing that time and rest can't fix." I told her, mustering up enough strength to offer her a comforting smile.
She didn't seem convinced though which only made me question why. I noticed her look over her shoulder. I looked over to see Sasuke looking at me with Naruto walking beside him. He had the same look on his face as she did. Something must have happened.
I wanted to ask about it but we had just reached the edge of the forest. I felt relief as I was one step closer to passing another test. I was about to walk forward when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I heard a very soft gasp, I was almost sure I hullicated it.
"You guys go ahead, I need a moment with Mizuki." came Sasuke's voice.
I looked over at him to see Naruto mirroring my expression while Sakura just looked at Sasuke. Her expression worried and concerned.
"What's the big id-?" Naruto started to say when Sakura spoke up, interrupting him.
"Come on, Naruto." she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away. Naruto's voice protesting.
"What's up? What's with the secrecy?" I asked him as I turned around to face him fully.
He continued to stare at me, his expression searching. I stared back, waiting but the longer he stared the more I started to become irritated.
"What's up with you and Sakura staring at me like I'm going to snap?" I asked him, giving him a smirk in the hopes of lighting up the mood. His eyes slightly widened before it settled into annoyance.
"What's different about you? You didn't get consumed.." he asked me absently, his eyes searching.
"Consumed? What are you talking about? I mean I'm still banged up, but nothing I can't handle." I said, trying to reassure him.
He looked away for a moment, he closed his eyes and sighed before walking past me.
"Let's get this over with then." he said, putting his hands in his pockets.
I stared at his back for a second when I noticed something on his neck. It was barely visible. I activated my Byakugan only to see three tomes on the side of his neck. What was that? Before I could think further a sharp pain in the back of my neck made me lose my focus I almost gasped at the pain.
"Are you coming or what?" he asked me without turning back. I deactivated my Byakugan as I rubbed my neck.
"Wait, what's going on? Why are you being weird?" I asked, making him stop.
"We both have it. Yet you didn't get consumed by that dark chakra when you woke up... Anyways we don't have time to talk about theories, we can talk about it after we complete this test." He said, before walking away again.
I frowned, whatever that was, he was in no mood to talk let alone me asking questions. Even though he was the one originally trying to talk to me. I was too exhausted to argue and demand answers so I followed after him. As I contempted what this was all about. Could it have something to do with that battle? Why was I once again in the dark?
As that thought entered my mind, the sting returned, reminding me of the fire I had felt just not as fierce. I rested my hand on the back of my neck. It was still sore and it ached. I sighed as I let out a deep breath, composing myself as I entered the tower behind my teammates.
~Time Skip~
We moved into the preliminary rounds and I waited for my turn. Naruto had won his match against Kiba and Sakura won her match against Ino and I couldn't be prouder. I was proud of them. I knew they could. I knew teaching her water jutsu was a good idea but I was not expecting her to excel at it in a short span of time. She still needed to master her water jutsu but I don't think it would take her long to do so. She had a natural talent for it.
I looked behind me to see Sakura and Ino sleeping next to each other. The definition of best friends with a bit of a rivalry. I smiled as I looked back, leaning against the railing. Impatiently waiting for my turn. I leaned against the railing, absently staring at the match below me when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and scanned across from me only to see seafoam eyes staring at me. I was momentarily startled, as I didn't even pay attention to who was still here.
I slightly narrowed my eyes wondering what he wanted, before I looked away. He made me nervous but I couldn't understand if it was a good thing or a bad thing. All I knew for sure was that I was on edge. It was like I couldn't focus and my thoughts weren't mine. I felt power hungry, the desire to fight. There was a burning sensation in the back of my neck that I tried to rub away but hasn't. I noticed Sasuke looking at me and when he noticed my stare he looked away. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't quite place. 'You have it too yet you weren't consumed...' No... whatever he was going on about, I couldn't focus on that right now. I was fine, or as fine as I could be. I looked over at the board to see my name pop up.
Mizuki Uchiha vs Asami of the Sound
I felt a smile form on my face as I prepared to hop down into the arena.
"You got this Mizuki! Kick some butt. I'm rooting for you, not that you need it! Believe it!" Naruto beamed at me.
I smiled at him and as I was about to hop down, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Kakashi-sensei looking at me.
"Try not to use your chakra too much." he whispered, which only confused me.
"Why?" I asked him, waiting for an answer when the referee called out my name again. I looked towards him to see him and my opponent waiting for me.
"Consider it... a challenge."
I gripped the rail before I whispered, "I don't understand why you are giving me that challenge but no promises."  Before I hopped down onto the arena, my opponent stood across from me. A ninja from the sound village. I stared at her as I waited for the match to begin. She smiled at me, a smug look on her face.
"Let's see what you got, leaf shinobi." she said, getting into an attack stance.
"Begin!" the referee yelled out,
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I let Kakashi's words fill my mind.
Take a breath, observe your opponent, only then will you become a more formiddle ninja.
I activated my Sharingan as I exhaled, feeling a burning sensation at the back of my neck again. I winced at the pain but pushed through as I focused on her movement. She threw several shurikens that curved around me. I quickly threw shurikens to counter them only to see Asami rush towards me, her arm thrown back ready to land a right hook. I quickly countered using my palm to move her punch downwards. Before landing a punch to her gut and sending her stumbling backwards.
She glared at me, as I focused on her, seeing her movements slow down. She was readying an attack that I started to channel chakra to use the body flicker technique when I began to notice the more I used my chakra the more the pain in my neck began to stir, slowly spreading. I gritted my teeth, pushing past the pain. Not sure what the hell this is, but this was no time to think about it.
"Sound Release: Son-" she started to say when I appeared in front of her shoving her hands apart.
I swiftly targeted her chakra points in her arms blocking the flow of chakra to her hands. She gasped as she tried to channel chakra to her hands.
"Wh-What did you do?!" she snapped as she spun around, swinging her leg in a roundhouse kick, I barely managed to block her kick as I crossed my arms in front of me, catching her kick as I skidded to a stop from the impact. She can definitely land a mean kick.
"You can no longer use Chakra as I blocked your pathways. I recommend surrendering now." I smirked as I pulled a kunai, the thirst for blood growing stronger the more I used my chakra.
I needed to end this. My chakra felt all over the place and whatever was causing it was really starting to take a toll on me. I rushed forward, my palm ready to strike when I got closer to her when the burning sensation in the back of my neck flared so badly that my focus was cut short. I dropped to my knees as I gripped my neck.
It was almost crippling, as I struggled to get back up.
"If this is a trick, it's not going to work! From what I have seen, you are no Uchiha. You don't even come close to living up to their reputation despite having the bloodlimit." she stated smugly, making my blood boil. How dare she speak of my family like she knew them?! A logical part of me knew she was just baiting me as I saw her hand gripping a kunai coming my way.
However it was as if something in me snapped. The resistance I had against the pain was gone. The sensation is no longer burning as I felt it spread. I felt a massive surge of chakra flood my body. I was enraged, I could feel the fire spreading throughout my body but I didn't pay it any attention as I caught her fist in my hand and quickly redirected her hand to her leg, jamming the kunai she held into her leg.
Her scream filled the arena, as a look of surprise crossed her face.
"Don't you ever speak about my clan as if you know anything!" I snapped before unleashing an air palm to her chest, sending her flying across the arena. But not before I saw her eyes widen in complete horror as she flew– her blood dripped across the battlefield. I could hear the gasps filled the arena as I smiled when she slid to a stop.
I could feel my blood pounding in my ears as heat flooded my body. When I saw her use the wall to pull herself to stand; I started walking towards her. My eyes locked on her and only her. I saw every move she made, every breath she took until she finally looked at me. Her pale blue eyes staring at me, a look of pure terror in her eyes. Her leg was still bleeding heavily as she used her hand to try and stop the bleeding. I could practically taste her fear. I grinned, not looking away.
"Get away from  me! I-I surrender!" she screamed out, her body trembling as she continued to stare at me.
I stopped, momentarily surprised as I continued to stare at her.
"Mizuki Uchiha is the winner. You'll advance to the next round."
It was like I was on autopilot, my eyes locked on her as I continued my way to her. Someone appeared in front of me but I felt myself flicker to get around them as I appeared in front of her. I felt the shift in my eyes as I stared at her with the Byakugan. My vision briefly noticed some weird markings on my arms as I raised my palm, ready to strike. When someone grabbed my wrist just as I felt my eyes shift between the Sharingan and Byakugan almost as they were fighting against each other.
The pain was excruciating as I gripped my head with my free hand before I started to fall when the hand that held my wrist shifted and I felt a pair of arms lift me off my feet. I could feel my breath becoming ragged as my skin felt like I was being set on fire. I felt my eyes return to normal as I tried to focus my sight on who was holding me. A blob of silver was all I could make out before my eyes fluttered shut and I was out.
~Time Skip~
It's been two weeks since the preliminary rounds, and healing from some bruised ribs. Yet, I still trained alongside Sasuke while Kakashi-sensei taught us a new jutsu. Though once I learned I had a lighting chakra nature as well, I started to mess around with the idea of adding lighting nature to my gentle fist techniques. Sasuke and I had a natural affinity for Lighting. It became like a competition between us on who was learning faster.
However today he was off doing his own thing and I was practicing on my own. There was this level of unease that settled in my mind when I was alone. I noticed I became more easily agitated with my lack of progress. I haven't been able to leave the village to go back home and see if I could find clues on where papa had gone. Not that I was exactly hoping to be back there but I needed answers.
I sighed as I took a deep breath and focused my chakra to my right palm. I felt the familiar static of lighting form at the base of my palm. The sound of birds filled my ears. I opened my eyes, feeling the familiar power of the Sharingan. I was getting ready to run and strike the boulder with Chidori when a voice spoke up. I felt myself stiffen as I turned towards the voice only to see Danzo. He had stopped by the hospital with Lord Third when I was recovering but he had made me feel uneasy. Mainly due to his lack of conversation and the way he was observing me.
"I see you are back to training. That is exactly the kind of fire I need in the Anbu." he said, as I stopped the chakra flow to my palm, stopping the lighting jutsu.
I stayed quiet as I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Why was he coming to me? Shouldn't he be with Lord Third and tell me about the Anbu?
"What will it take for you to join me?" he asked me when he saw that I didn't budge.
"Lord Third's presence and an explanation on why you want a genin joining the anbu." I told him, honestly.
"You remind me of your father, straightforward and direct. Being in the Anbu doesn't require any specific rank to be able to join. You would be about the same age as your father when he first joined. Besides, someone with your fire would be an excellent asset," he said, which caused my eyes to slightly widen in surprise.
I knew he knew he had gotten my undivided attention when I saw a smile form behind the bandages.
"I see that got your attention. What if I told you that joining me would allow you access to leave the village so long as you came back within a reasonable timeframe? Therefore you would get the chance to locate him." he said, making me surprised at the offer.
I wanted that so badly but I wasn't sure about the anbu thing. I had done my research on the different kinds of Shinobis' and there were different specialities within the anbu. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a part of that but if it allowed me free reign to leave as I pleased provided I came back, how could I say no? I could find papa and bring him back before Sasuke could...
"What's the catch?" I asked him, feeling that this was too good to be true.
I saw the smile return, before he composed himself. "No catch. As I mentioned earlier, you'll make an excellent asset to the Anbu and protect this village from danger." He said, but I couldn't tell if he was lying.
A wave of unease continued to roll through my veins as I contemplated the offer but I couldn't form the words. Instead I stayed quiet as I looked at Danzo.
"Think about it," he said, before walking away.
I stood there watching him leave as I contemplated what this move would do to me. I would be following in papa's footsteps if I joined. I bit my lip as I contemplated if I actually wanted this. I sighed as I focused on the boulder again. I took a deep breath and focused my chakra to my palm. Chirping birds sounded in my ears, before I took off running towards the boulder, throwing my hand back before thrusting it forward in time to collide with the boulder. I took my time practicing that as my thoughts kept drifting to my future. I'm no closer to finding papa... Maybe it was a good idea to join the Anbu...
I bit my lower lip as I contemplated his offer... I didn't want to be Anbu, it meant more ties to this village and I needed to find papa but I'm  After a few more times of using Chidori, my arm started to tremble. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. For a B-rank jutsu, it sucked that there was a limitation on how many times you were able to use it. I leaned against a tree, hiding in the shade from the blazing sun as I pulled out some scrolls I had taken from the Restriction Section of the library. Though so long as I didn't want to take out s-rank scrolls, I was allowed to check out these scrolls on how to manipulate chakra nature and form.
I also took out the Hyuga scrolls and studied how the gentle fist worked. I knew the technique but I wanted to see if there was a way to add Lighting Nature to it. A way to attack someone's nervous system temporarily while also stopping the flow of chakra... If I focus a layer of lighting to my palm, not only would it do what I want, but it will also make my movements faster... Maybe... I mean chidori gives me that added speed. I don't see how focusing two palms of lightning wouldn't also.
The sun began to set by the time I finished reading and rereading the scrolls and I felt confident enough to try my idea. It also took a while for my hand to stop shaking. I knew the risk of what I was about to do. If Kakashi-sensei was here, I knew he would stop me. Which is why I needed to try. I put everything away into my bag before I got back up and moved towards a thick sturdy tree. I took a deep breath as I got into the Eight Trigram formation. I focused Lightning chakra to my palms, as I charged forward, Lighting Style: Eight Trigram 2 palms my movements flowing easily as my palms made contact with the trunk. 4 palms, 6 palms, 8 pal- as my palm connected to the tree trunk, I was sent backwards as I lost my focus.
"Damnit!" I yelled as I slammed my fist into the ground only for pain to radiate through my arms. I gasped and brought my arm to my chest as I looked down to see my hands were burnt. I gritted my teeth in pain as I realized that I overdid it. My body slightly shook as I sat up and tried to stand when my body refused to listen as I collapsed back on the ground. Damnit!
"Looks like you overdid it. I told you to take it easy and the dangers of using Lightning nature." I heard Kakashi's voice nearby.
I gritted my teeth, feeling my face form into one of annoyance.
"Why are you here?" I asked him, as I tried to move my body but it was so stiff with achness.
"A little bird told me to check up on you. As impressive as seeing you use lightning nature, in a different way, you are going too fast. If you keep pushing past the limits you will end up hurting yourself worse than you just did now."
"I get it, I don't need a lecture."
"You clearly don't get it. Otherwise you wouldn't do something this stupid. You are way too smart for your own good, and I can see you are impatient like Sasuke. You both are restless for some reason that I'm trying to understand. Could you explain why you would push yourself this hard?"
"I don't want to talk about it especially when I can't move." I said, barely turning my head away from his voice.
"Can you just lecture me later and just-" I was cut off when I saw feet in front of me. I looked up to see Kakashi staring down at me.
"Leave you alone? Now that's not an option." he said, before bending down and putting my scrolls back in my backpack before lifting me up in his arms. I looked at him in bewilderment.
"I don't want to go to the hospital."
"Let's make a deal, I won't take you there if you promise to take it easy tomorrow. No practice, otherwise next time you will be escorted to the hospital whether you want to or not, understood?"
I rolled my eyes before contemplating my options. I sighed and I nodded. "Okay, I won't overdo it next time." closing my eyes, feeling the tiredness hit.
"Good, then lets get you home." he said, grabbing my backpack and felt wind as he moved, picking me up in a swift motion.
I winced as my body reacted to the movement.
"You four sure know how to keep me on my toes." he sighed.
"Keeping you young, right old man?" I teased, only to wince when I tried to chuckle.
"Hey now, who are you calling old?" He rebuked quickly, making me smile as I let myself relax.
"Fair fair, you aren't quite old yet." I said with a smile.
Wind ruffled my hair as exhaustion finally began to set, I used up enough of my chakra that I felt myself begin to drift.
"...Thank you sensei." I whispered out as I let myself fall into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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