5: Stacie & hangovers

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~~ the next morning ~~
I woke up with a really bad headache. I looked over to my desk to see a bottle of Advil, a bottle of water, a cup of coffee, and a note. The note read:
Thought you might need these to function this morning. We have Bella rehearsal at 9.
- your roommate Stacie
It was 8:30 already I took the pills Stacie left me and started to change. I put on a pair of shorts and one of Stacie's sweatshirts. I grabbed the coffee and my bag then headed to the gym.
"Alex you're here!" Chloe squealed when I walked in. I groaned as my head started hurting.
"Chloe not too loud," I said drinking some of my coffee. I smiled when I tasted the French vanilla latte. It was my favorite.
"Sorry. Looks like you had a rough night." I sighed as Aubrey started talking.
"Alright sopranos in the front, altos in the back." We all sat where we we're supposed to I sat next to Beca. Great more awkward tension.
"As you can see Kori is not here. Last night she had been treble boned. She has been dis invited from the Bellas." Aubrey said taking away a chair which I think was for Kori. I laughed because Kori was "treble boned" by my brother.
"That oath was serious?" Beca asked.
"Dixie chick serious. You can fool around with whoever you want to just not a treble." I mentally cringed at that statement. Eww that's weird.
"That's not going to be easy. He's a hunter," Stacie said pointing to her lower parts.
"You call it a dude?" Beca asked.
Stacie just nodded proudly.
"Stacie the trebles don't respect us. If we let them penetrate us we are giving them our power." Aubrey said. I was going to say something but Fat Amy beat me to it.
"That's not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate."
"Does anyone here have anything to confess?" Aubrey asked looking directly at Mary Elise. Who broke down under Aubrey's death stare.
"It was only an accident."
"Turn in your scarf and go." Aubrey demanded calmly. Mary Elise hesitantly took the scarf out her bag. Aubrey motioned for her to get up and go. As she got up Fat Amy coughed slut, which brought back scenes from the party. Chloe looked at me and asked if I was okay.
I told her I just had a headache. I saw Stacie shift uncomfortably in her seat.
"Was that necessary?" Beca asked. Damn this girl got so many questions.
"This is war, Beca. It's my job to make sure my soldiers are prepped at go time with three kick ass songs sung and choreographed to perfection. We have four months til regionals so if you have a problem with how I run the Bell-." Aubrey suddenly covered her mouth. She looked like she was about to throw up right after.
"Aubrey, relax. We can't have a repeat of last year." Chloe said trying to calm Aubrey down. Lilly raised her hand.
"Yes Lilly?"
She said something inaudible.
"Excuse me what was that?"
She said it again but no one heard her. I read her lips and she asked what happened last year. I knew exactly what happened last year. I was there and it was disgusting. I took out my phone and showed everyone the video of Aubrey puking everywhere during the finals.
"Ooo, click on "Guy pukes on cat." Stacie said after the video ended.
"Enough! It happened. It's over. We will practice everyday for two hours seven days a week. And I trust you will add your own cardio." Aubrey told us.
"Why cardio?" Beca asked.
"Yeah no, don't put me down for cardio." Fat Amy added.
"Ok moving on. This is a list of all the songs we have ever performed. And you will notice we only use songs sung by women" Aubrey explained as Chloe passed out the list.
"There's nothing from this century on here," Beca said as she looked through the long list.
"Because we don't stray from tradition!" Aubrey said a little angrily.
"Now this is how we will become champions," she said flipping over the whiteboard. We worked on our facial expressions while we were singing, we started learning some dance moves, we practiced walking in heels, and my favorite we ran around the bleachers. I was faster then everyone even Aubrey perks of being a track star. Lastly we showed of as much dancing and tricks we could do.
"Ow Stacie your earring went in my eye," I grabbed my eye as Stacie stopped spinning.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry let me see." She came running towards me looking at my eye. "Your lucky it hit the white part of your eye. Can we talk after this?" She asked taking my hands in her own. I simply nodded.
"Okay I'm callin' it." Aubrey said a little frustrated as she talked to Lilly who you can't hear. She also ignored Beca she's pretty rude.
"Ok don't forget to pick up you're performance schedules. We have a gig next week. That's right next week." Aubrey said handing out papers.
"You guys! It's sigma beta theta's annual fall mixer." Chloe explained.
"Hands in Bellas!" Aubrey said putting her hand out. We all just stare at her.
"Hands in aca-bitches!" Aubrey demanded. We all put our hands in. "Sing AHHH on three"
"AHH" fat Amy solos.
"No no it's actually on three." Aubrey said.
"1. 2.."
We all sang AHH at separate times it sounded so horrible. We saw Aubrey huff and started to find our way out.
"Beca, Alex a word," Aubrey said. Beca looked at me, I shrugged and walked over to where Aubrey was.
"What's up?" Beca asked.
"You two know you're going to have to take those ear monstrosities out for the fall mixer and your nose thingy," Aubrey said pointing at my nose.
"You don't like us, do you?" Beca asked gesturing the both of us.
"I don't like your attitude."
"You don't even know us," I said getting a bit over worked.
"I know you have a toner for Jesse and you for Donald." Aubrey spat.
"A what?" Beca asked surprised.
"A toner. A musical boner. I saw it at hood night and it's distracting." I looked over at Beca who laughed.
"Yeah so that's not a thing and you're not the boss of us." I said.
"You took an oath!" Aubrey yelled.
"That oath cost you two girls already today. I think you need us more than we need you." Beca said as we turned around leaving.
"I can see your toner through those jeans!" Aubrey called out.
"That's my dick," Beca called back.
"Donald's my brother!" I yelled back.
I fist bumped Beca when we walked out.
"We're not going to win with this songs." I told her.
"I know. I've been working on a couple arrangements. I think they'd sound good on our set." Beca told me.
"Oh you mix?" I asked becoming more interested.
"yeah you should come by and listen sometime." She said stopping.
"Yeah maybe I will. Little miss DJ. But I have to go Stacie's waiting for me." I said spotting Stacie by the big tree.
"Oh I hope you can fix what happened the other day. You guys seem really close."
"Yeah I hope so too. So I got to blast." I said running toward where Stacie was sitting.
"Hey" I said sitting down next to her.
"Why what?" I asked confused.
"Why'd you lie to me?" Stacie said still not looking at me.
"It's complicated." I said looking down at my fingers.
"It's complicated? I'm pretty sure it's not complicated. I told you that I'd always be here for you and that you could trust me. But what did you do? You lied." Stacie said looking at me.
"You asked me that question on the first day. I thought you forgot already."
" You thought I forgot?" Stacie scoffed. "You could've at least told me that you were going to audition."
"Stacie why is this such a big deal to you?" I asked.
"I don't know it just is"
"What do you mean you don't know? You sure know why it's a big deal!" I yelled drawing attention to us.
" Fine. You want to know why it's a big deal. I don't like when people lie. It's like you trusted that person and then boom one lie and that person's a stranger again. Like I said if you lied to me about one little thing what other things are you lying to me about. How do I know you weren't lying when you said you loved Me!" Stacie yelled with tears streaming down her face.
"I don't know," was all I could get out.
"Of course you don't. You know I'm sorry that I tried to fix this. I'm sorry I ever loved you in the first place!" Stacie yelled walking away. It took me a few seconds to process what just happened. I fell to my knees and started crying.
"Hey hey calm down. Jesse's here," Jesse said picking me up. "Come on we're going to the treble house." Jesse was surprising strong he carried me maybe half way through the campus, before I decided to walk. When we got to the house I ran toward Donald who was sitting in the couch.
"What happened to her?" He asked running his fingers through my hair.
"Her and Stacie got into a fight." Jesse explained out of breath. Weird. I slept on the couch that night tears still streaming down. I lost my first best friend.

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