14: Mama Chlo

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Chloe's POV
I woke up on the couch with an unusual weight on top of me. I looked over to see Alex sleeping on me with a tear stained face. That brought back memories from last night. Under that tough exterior that is Alex there's a hurt, broken girl that just needs to be loved.
"Hey Chlo wake up you have classes " Aubrey said "what happened last night?" She asks
"We were talking and fell asleep" I explained
" oh ok. I'm going to class now it's 7:40 I made you some tea it's on the counter" she said pointing to the kitchen
"Ok thanks Bree" I told her before she left.
I guess I have to wake Alex up but she looks so peaceful sleeping.
"Alex you got to wake up" I cooed shaking her a little bit
"Five more minutes" she mumbled hiding her face in the crook of my neck
"No Alex we have to get to class"
"I don't want to" she mumbled in my neck "I don't feel good"
"Aww do you want to stay here for today?" I ask and I felt her nod her head
"Ok I'll let you stay here but I have to go to class" I said getting up
"No stay I'm cold" Alex whined
"Do you want to sleep in my bed?" I ask
"Yes!" She said running into Audrey's room
"Wrong room Alex!" I yelled
"oops" she said walking into my room. I walked in and saw her falling asleep in my bed I went into the bathroom I did my morning routine and changed. I walked back out and I saw Alex fast asleep.
"Al" I said shaking her
"I'll come check on you later okay?"

Alex's POV
------ 4 hours later ------
"Alex wake up" I felt someone shake me
"Who is it?" I mumble
"It's me Chloe"
"Come sleep with me. I'm cold" I said not opening my eyes
"No more sleeping"
"But I want too" I whined
"Eat something first then you can sleep" she demanded
"Fine" I said getting up

Becs- where are you?
Becs- I have notes if you want them
Me- I wasn't feeling well
Me- I'll come by later

"Do you want soup? We still have some from last night" Chloe asked me
"Yes please" I said going back to the room to get a blanket, and sitting on the couch.
"Here" Chloe said handing me the soup
"Thanks Chlo"
"So how you feeling?"
"Tired and cold"
"Drink your soup it'll warm you up" she said turning on the tv
"Chlo don't you have class?" I ask laying my head on her shoulder
"No only morning classes today. Are you cold?" She asked pulling me closer
"Go to sleep I'll be here to keep you warm"
"Okay" I replied before falling asleep
------ 2 hours later ------
"Alexandra Walsh get up!" Chloe yelled in my ear
"Chloe what the fuck?" I said getting up
"Watch your language. We were supposed to be at Bella rehearsal 5 minutes ago"
"But I don't want to"
"Alexandra I let you skip classes today. You are not skipping rehearsal" Chloe said sternly
"Fine but can I get something else to wear?"
"Go get what you want in my closet. Be ready in 5 minutes to I'm leaving without you"
I went into her closet and put on one of her sweatshirts and a pair of leggings.
"Alexandra Elizabeth Walsh we are leaving!" Chloe yelled
"How do you know my middle name?" I ask her
"I have my ways. Now let's go we're already late" she said dragging me out the door.

When we arrived at rehearsal we were met with a very angry Aubrey.
"Why are you guys late?" She asked while the other Bellas were looking at us
"It was my fault I fell asleep on her and she couldn't get up. I was being stubborn and wouldn't get up" I explained
"We're going through the set list. SEMI FINALS IS IN TWO MONTHS PEOPLE!" Aubrey yelled as we joined the other Bellas.
"Hey" I said to Stacie
"Can we talk later?"
"You're not breaking up with me right?" She asked worryingly
"No I love you too much to do that" I said giving her a hug
"I love you too" she said kissing my head

We were almost at the end of rehearsal when I felt really dizzy.
Next thing I know everything went black.

Chloe's POV
Toward the end of rehearsal Alex started to walk really weird. She looked like she was going to fall.
I was about to ask if she was okay when she just collapsed on the floor.
"ALEX!" I screamed running to her getting everyone's attention. "Alex Alex wake up this isn't funny" I said shaking her. She's not waking up. Obviously Chloe. Check her pulse you idiot! I checked her almost nonexistent pulse. Thank the aca-gods she's still breathing. Everyone started gathering around me.
"Dude what happened?" Beca asked
"She just collapsed. We have to get her to the hospital" I told them
"I got the girl" Fat Amy said picking Alex up.
"Me and Amy will go. We'll meet you guys there. Aubrey keys." I said catching Aubrey's keys.
"Uh Chloe why is there blood on you?" Aubrey asked
"Fuck Amy I think her head's bleeding" I said
"Run red! Get to the damn car!" Amy yelled running. First time I seen that "DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE" she yelled
I drove really really fast to the hospital might've ran over some trash cans.
"WE NEED HELP. GIRL ABOUT TO DIE" Amy screamed in the ER and placed Alex down on a gurney.
"Miss can you tell me what happened?" A doctor asked me while they took Alex away
"We were dancing for our acapella group and I noticed she was walking all wobbly, next thing I know she collapsed, probably hit her head and now her head's bleeding" I explained rather quickly
"Thank you would you mind filling out some papers while I go tend to your friend" he said walking to where they took Alex.
Me and Amy sat down while I filled out the papers. I sighed and laid my head Amy's shoulder.
"Don't worry Chloe she's a fighter. It's not like she has AIDS" I shook my head and chuckled. Amy always lightens up the mood.
After a couple minutes the rest of the Bellas decided to show up.
"Where is she?" Stacie asked "Where's Alex?"
"They took her in and said we had to wait" Amy said
We were all worried for Alex even Aubrey.
"I texted her brother, he called his parents they're coming" Stacie told us
"Don't you guys have classes? You guys can go I'll wait here" I told the girls
"Are you sure Chloe?" Stacie asked
"Yeah I don't have any classes. I'll keep you guys updated"
------ 1 hour later ------
"Hey Chloe right?" Alex's brother Donald asked me when he walked in with his parents
"Yeah and you're Alex's brother Donald who happens to be a treble maker" I said as I glared at him.
"Sorry to break your little rivalry thing but any news on Alex?" Alex's dad or I guess step dad asked me.
"No not since we checked her in which was an hour ago" I told him
"Thank you I'm Michael by the way and this is my wife Ruby" he said
"Nice to meet you two. I'm Chloe" I said shaking their hands
"Are you her girlfriend?" Ruby asked. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. Wait why am I blushing? I don't like her right. Right? No I don't I have a boyfriend.
"No I'm not her girlfriend. Her girlfriend had classes so I offered to stay here and wait" I explained.
"So you're a friend of hers?" Michael asks
"Yeah something like that"

"Family of Alexandra Elizabeth Walsh" one the nurses called into the waiting room
"That's us" Donald said as we all stood up
"Alexandra just seemed to be dehydrated and low of nutrients causing her to be dizzy. We have her on a few IVs. She also has a mild concussion due to the impact with the floor." She said
"Is she awake? Can we go see her?" I asked
"Yes she is awake. She's in room 492"
"Thank you" Michael said as we walked to the room
"You guys go in first. I'll wait out here and text everyone else" I told them
Bellas group chat
Me- Guys Alex is awake. Everything's fine she's on some IVs and has a concussion
Beca- Are we allowed to see her yet?
Me- yeah come any time you want

"Hey Chloe she wants to see you. I'm going to go get these two checked into their hotel." Donald told me as they came out
"Yeah okay, it was nice meeting you" I said to the parents
"You too. Take care of our little Alex for us please" Michael said as I shook their hands
"Oh totes. I'll protect her with my life"

"Hey Als" I said walking in the room.
"Mama Chlo!" She half yelled
"How are you feeling my child?"
"Tired. Come cuddle with me" she said patting the spot next to her. I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her waist as she placed her head on my chest.
"Alexandra why haven't you been eating or drinking properly?" I ask carefully running my fingers through her hair.
"I didn't have time to"
"Alex that's not healthy. Look what happened"
"I know I know. Do you know when I can go home?"
"Tonight" I said as she yawned "Aww is my little Alex sleepy?" I cooed
"Very. Good night Mama Chlo"
"Alexandra you sleep too much" I said shaking my head
"Shhh Mama Chlo be quiet" she said as she drifted to sleep.

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