7: Boo

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~~ the next day ~~
"Alex come on" Stacie yelled "We're  going to get costumes"
I groaned remembering Halloween's in a few days.
"Stacie I don't feel like getting a costume. I'll just wear my track uniform"
"No we're supposed to be matching. Remember we're going to be in the contest and win" Stacie told me.
"Stacie I don't want to" I whined
"Too bad let's go" she said dragging me off my bed.
"Fine. Just let me put on some decent clothes" I said going into the closet.
"Come on Alex let's go everyone else is waiting for us" Stacie said dragging me out the door.
"If there's other people why do I have to come?" I whined.
"Because we're matching so shush"
"Fine but you're paying"
"Stacie,Alex what took you so long?" Amy asked waiting with the rest of the Bellas.
"Alex took forever getting ready" Stacie explained.
"She took forever but she still looks like shit" Beca pointed out and everyone started laughing.
"Fuck off midget" I replied.
"Aww is little Alex mad?" She said coming and pinching my cheeks.
I picked her up and flipped her over my good shoulder.
"Noo put me down!"
"Nah I'm good"
"Well I'm not I think I'm going to be Aubrey at last years finals." Everyone laughed while I didn't get it.
"What's so funny?" I asked confused.
"ALEX SHE'S GOING TO PUKE WHAT DO YOU NOT GET ABOUT THAT!" Amy yelled. Oh Aubrey puked last year I get it now. Wait what?
"NO NOT ON ME GET OFF GO PUKE ON CHLOE I ALREADY HAD AUBREY'S PUKE ON ME!" I yelled putting Beca down. Everyone laughed again.
"I wasn't really going to puke" Beca said laughing.
"I hate all of you especially you" I pointed at Beca.
"Come on cranky we're getting costumes" Chloe said dragging me.
What is everyone's problem with dragging me like I'm going to walk if you let me.
Everyone got into Chloe's car by everyone I mean Chloe, Stacie, Amy, and Beca.
"come on Alex get in the car"
"No I'm good I'm going to unleash my inner track star again" I told them.
"Ew running bye, go by yourself" Amy said while Chloe started to drive.
"Wait guys I don't know where we're going!" I yelled.
"Just follow the car" Beca yelled back.
I sighed and starting running behind the car. Chloe decided to drive really fast making me run full speed.
"Chloe I hate you. Does anyone have any water?" I panted when we met up again.
"Damn girl, you look even worse than before" Beca said.
"Thanks Beca didn't know that"
"You two shush let's go get costumes"Chloe said. When we actually got into the store Stacie went off by herself who knows where, Amy and Chloe went together leaving me and Beca.
"Are you really looking for a costume?" I ask Beca.
"No not really I could care less"
"I have an idea"
"Oo I like Alex's ideas"
"How bout we go scare the shit out of Amy and Chloe" I suggested.
"Hell yeah. Let's go!" She yelled running around.
"Dude we need to find something scary first" I pointed out.
"Oh then you don't need anything"
"Beca I am going to kill you but you're lucky I like you so you'll live"
"See scary Alex"
"I still hate you though"
"Fair enough" 
Beca grabbed a chucky mask and I grabbed a werewolf mask.
"Seriously you really don't need the mask" Beca said.
"Oh shut up and help me find them"
"Found them. 2 aisles down Chloe's on your side. You get Chloe I'll get Amy"
"K let's go" I said running toward the aisle. I gave Beca a signal and we ran up to the two.
"AHHH ALEX HELP ME!" Chloe yelled.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Amy yelled.
I started laughing really hard. Chloe pulled my mask off.
"No you don't. Red you love me and you know it"
"ew as if" she said pushing me away.
"Wait if that's Alex then whose this?" Amy asked pointing at Beca.
"Pull it off" I told her
"Guys why are you yelling?" Stacie asked coming into the aisle.
"Beca and Alex decided it has a good idea to put masks on and scare us"
"Well Alex doesn't need a mask"
"That's what I said" Beca said high fiveing Stacie.
"Anyways what am I being Stace?" I asked ignoring Stacie's comment.
"Well you're going to be the okay looking prisoner while I'm the super hot cop" Stacie said showing me the costumes. Beca started laughing.
"Beca shut up at least I have a costume" I pointed out.
"Guys stop fighting" Chloe told us
"We're not fighting" I shot back
"Yeah we are" Beca said
"No we're not"
"Yes we are"
"Are you guys seriously fighting over if you guys are fighting?"
"Stay out of this Chloe" we both said.
I heard her huff and walk away. I smiled at Beca knowing we just pissed her off.
"Guys let's go" Amy called out.
"Coming" we both yelled.
We walked out the store and piled into Chloe's car.
"Alex why aren't you running?" Stacie asked laughing a little.
"Didn't get enough coffee this morning I have no more energy" I said laying my head on Stacie's shoulder.
"You woke up at like 10 and had a large coffee what do you mean you don't have any energy?"
"Shush I'm just tired okay" I said falling asleep.
"Alex get up we're here" Stacie said shaking me awake.
"No" I mumbled.
"Alexandra Walsh Get Up"
"Alex get up I'm not carrying you"
"Fine" I said
"Good girl"
"I'm not a dog"
"But you're a bitch" Beca said laughing. I glared at her and got out.
"Hi red" I said going to hug Chloe but she pushed me away. "Chloe are you mad at me?" She shrugged and walked away.
"Chloeee don't be mad at me"
"I'm not mad. I'm just upset" she said walking away. I sighed and walked back to our dorm.
~~ day of the party ~~
"Now we're connected and you'll never get lost" Stacie said handcuffing me to her.
"Why you always treat me like a child? I'm not a child" I whined
"you're whiney so you're pretty much a child and you're shorter than me"
"So everyone's a child"
"Yeah pretty much" she said pulling me out the door. I groaned but followed her. When we got to the party I scanned the area and found the rest of the Bellas.
"Found them" I pointed to the group of girls. Again Stacie dragged me across the whole courtyard.
"Ay Alex what kind of trouble you got yourself into this time?" Amy the kangaroo asked.
"She dragged me into this. She literally dragged me into this" I told them moving my handcuffed hand a lot to annoy Stacie.
"Alex stop you're hurting my hand"
"Not my fault. You handcuffed me"
"Alex I swear if you don't stop I will kill you."
"No you wouldn't. You love me too much" I said hugging her.
"That's debatable" Stacie said.
"Alex come on let's go get drinks" the voice of Beca said.
"Really Beca you cut holes in a bedsheets and say you're a ghost. You could've just been an elf" I said laughing at her "costume".
"Shut up. Do you want drinks or not?"
"Yes. Come on Stacie" I said dragging her. It feels good to do that for once.
"I'll go get you guys cups" Beca said.
"You're holding my hair up if I get too drunk" Stacie told me.
"Well we'll see who's more drunk and who throws up first"
"Fair enough"
By an hour into the party Stacie was almost full on drunk and I was only a little buzzed.
"Guys have you seen Chloe?" I asked concerned.
"No she said she was coming. But I haven't seen her" Aubrey 'the witch' said. Funny because she embraced her inner self.
"BECA!" I yelled
"Yes" she said running to me.
"Here now you'll be taking care of Stacie" I said handcuffing her to Stacie.
"What no"
"Please for me. I'll buy you whatever you want to eat forever"
"Taco bell"
"Fine I'll buy you taco bell"
"now go before I change my mind"
"Aubrey what dorm are you guys in?"
"492B" I mentally groaned because that's on the fourth floor. After running up four flights of stairs I knocked on the door.
"Chlo are you in there it's Alex"
"Go away Alex"
"Chloe I know something's wrong and I'm not leaving."
"I'm fine Alex just leave" she said with a sniffle.
"Chlo I know you've been crying. Can you please open the door?"
No reply. I sighed and went back to my dorm to change quickly. I grabbed a blanket and walked back to Chloe's dorm.
"Chloe I just want to know what's wrong."
"I'm fine Alex. Go back to the party"
I once again sighed and sat down in front of the door. I wrapped myself in the blanket and fell asleep.

A/N : By guys sorry for the slow updates. I thought Emily was going to write this part but it was my turn and I completely forgot. I think Emily already finished the next part so double updates.👍

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