what he does that annoys you

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JAKE: he does his monkey thing and he has Chance and Anthony do it with him

Tristan: he often does the thing where he acts like you are a  wild animal 

Emilio: messes with your hair all the time

Ivan: takes your phone and acts like hes going to break it

Neels:he just messes with you when your trying to do things

Aj: always is sing you love his singing but sometimes you just need a break

 Alex: he likes to tickle you when your doing something

Chance:he always pranks you

Anthony:randomly screams ohio and scares you

Kade: he dosent mess with you to much because he knows jake does

Ray:drags you everywhere he goes 

Logan: you guys ready for this one this is probably a easy one to know it is drum roll please.........he.....Smash's......A....Plate :)

Brendan:always takes pictures of you 

(hope you enjoyed these ) 

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