who hes jealous of

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(mostly in team 10)

JAKE:  Logan because  every-time he comes around you hangout with him because hes Jake's brother and you want his family to like you.

TRISTAN:Anthony hes jealous of him because of yours and Anthony's past you guys went out for a while.

IVAN:Jake  hes always been jealous of him because you guys are like best friends. 

EMILIO:nobody he knows you love him.

NEELS: no one really 

AJ: Tristan he feels like hes to serious for you sometimes and you are always laughing.

ALEX: Aj he is jealous because aj is more talented then him with singing and all and feels like you would leave him with someone like aj.

CHANCE:Chad  he just feels like chad can take you away from him anytime.

ANTHONY:Ivan he thinks you would leave him for Ivan because hes quieter and cuter as he likes to say

KADE: Ray hes jealous because you do almost everything with ray   like going to the gym and everything and hes good looking.

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