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(this is you live in NYC but your dating Brendan and logan aranges to where you move out to la)
Y/s/n stands for your ship name

*Y/N'S P.O.V*

I was in the uber  on the way to the airport  all of my stuff was already in la except you know my laptop,phone,a few clothes and things like that.
We get to the airport "thank you" i told the driver ,grabbed my luggage and payed the driver i got inside with my ticket,wemt through scerity and got to the line of my flight *ring ring* my phone started ringing "hello" i said answering it "hey where are you?" Logan asked "in line for my flight" i told him "alright cool,you got the keys right"he asked "yes i got the keys" i said as i got up to the lady and handed her my ticket then walked through the tunnel thing to get to the plane "ok you know what the car looks like right?" He asked "yes now i have to go call you when i land,bye" i said and hung up. I got to my seat put my luggage above me then sat down. Soon the plan took off, I eventually i fell asleep then woke up when the plane landed. I grabbed my luggage and got off the plane and walked out looking for the car i finally found it and put my luggage in the trunk got in the car and called Logan "heyo" he answered "hey i just got to the car" i told him "alright i will send you the address,the
little key with blue tap is the key to get in,gotta go Brendan's coming"he said and hung up "ok" i said and threw my phone in the passenger seat. "I dont need the address i have been there before" i said to my self  i drove out of the busy airport parking lot and made my way to Logan's. I soon arrived parked the car, grabbed  my luggage and walked in the building and to the elavator  I got up to the apartment ,unlocked the door I set my luggage by the door and Logan texted me that there on there way . I texted him back and said ok I grabbed my laptop and sat on the couch where they could see me when they walked in .I started working on stuff on my laptop.
We got to the door of Logans apapament. Logan pushed im in front "here you go in first" he told me "why do you want me to go in first did you set something up" i asked "just go" Logan said "why do you need him to go first" Ayla asked "it better not be a plate" she added. "Alright,whatever" i said and opened up the door and walked in and saw y/n sitting on the couch.
*Y/N'S P.O.V*
I saw brendan walk in with Logan,Ayla,and Evan behind him i smiled at him. "Y/n what the heck are you doing here" he said and ran over to the couch and nnrough me into a big bear hug i hugged him back and stood up from the couch "well Logan brought me here" i told him "what really?,logan?" He said pulling back from the hug. I smiled at him "yeah Logan paid for all my stuff to get here and my fligog, so i live here now: i told him and his eyes light up even more and his smile got wider "thats great tloga you so much logan i will never forget this" he said looking at him "no problem,see logang i can do things that are nice" he said with a smiled. Brendan looked back at me and pulled me in for a passionate kiss,i kissed him back "hey logang y/s/n is real" Logan said we pulled away and looked at him filming us. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the couch and sat down "you just did something nice don't ruin it" i told them. "Alright sorry" he said and the rest of the day we just hung out doimg dumb stuff.

(Hope you enjoyed this ☺)

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