Chapter Eight: Punishment

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I wan't to thank animelover123 for the idea. I'll definitely use it sometime during this story. Thanks again! Remember to comment and vote.


"The funeral's already started. I suppose we should go." Putting my mask on, I nodded goodbye and walked towards the funeral. Once I arrived, I leaned against a tree, watching the Genin place flowers on his memorial. I saluted the old mans coffin and vanished, Rat said that Danzo wished to see me.

It's been said the eyes are the window to the soul, and in this case, my soul was grieving. Banishing those thoughts from my subconscious, my eyes hardened like ice and the window to my soul was once again locked.

Chapter Eight: Punishment

Appearing before him, I bowed. "You wished to see me, Danzo-sama." My body was stiff in warning and my hands were clenched in nervousness. He paced in front of me, deliberately taking his time replying. "I was given a report." I waited for him to continue, but he didn't. After about five minutes of silence, I couldn't keep the annoyance out of my voice. "What report, sir?" He slammed his fist on the desk, breaking it and causing the cup of tea to splatter everywhere. I flinched in suprise, but stared at him defiantly as he locked eyes with me. He was clearly angry, but I maintained a cool composure.

"You didn't have your mask on, Wolf. You showed your face during battle. That was the report I was given." I felt my anger rising and forced myself to remain calm. "It was an emergency, sir." He scoffed. "Emergency or not, you disobeyed my orders. You must face the consequence for your actions." I remained silent and saw a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes. He thought he owned me, didn't he? I grit my teeth as he continued. "As a punishment, you'll go as back up for a Genin." I raised my eye brows in suprise. "Back up for a Genin."

Shoving my supplies in my bag, my hand brushed against a paper. Frowning, I pulled it out and winced at the picture. My mother and father stood behind us, with me and Sasuke grinning and leaning into a smiling Itachi. I gently put the picture down and the swish of a blade startled me. I whirled around, blocking the blade with a kunai, my face blank and calm.

I came face to face with Monkey, an ANBU captain. I narrowed my eyes at him as he glanced at the picture. "Monkey," I sad coolly and he nodded at me. "Get rid of the picture," he ordered. Balancing on the window sill, he looked back at me. "We are the roots that support the great trunk of Konoha, invisible, from inside the earth. Never forget that." As he left, I sneered. "I don't think I could." Looking back at the picture, I glared at it angrily. I have a mission to complete.

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