Chapter 8

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Harry's P.O.V.

I need to get my shit together; last night was a close call. I'm just lucky I managed to fall asleep before doing anything too bad – like maybe actually sucking Louis' dick or something. After snapping at Louis, I went to the kitchen to get some aspirin. I've got a massive hangover, only made worse after all the yelling. After taking the pills, I grab my phone off the counter, sending Niall a quick text.

To: Nialler

SOS I'll be at your apartment in a few. Be ready.

I need to talk to Niall. He's the only one I can talk to. He's the only one that knows. After sending the text, I quickly put on some shoes and my keys and head outside. I get into my car and drive down the block to Niall and Zayn's apartment. I could've walked, but who wants to walk with a massive hangover? Not me, that's for sure.

Once pulling up to their apartment, I walk up the steps to room 168. Just as I'm about to ring the doorbell, a girl who looks to be about my age opens the door. When she sees me, she blushes and quickly leaves. I'm almost certain I've never met her, but she seems familiar for some reason.

Pushing the thoughts out of my head, I knock on the door before slowly heading in. “Niall? You here?” I call out, looking around. Soon enough, Niall's making his way into the living room a little nervously.

“Y-you're here sooner than I thought.” He stutters. It's then that I notice his messy hair and how he's only wearing a pair of sweats.

“Did I wake you up?” I ask, “It's already one.” It's normal for me to wake up late, but Niall's usually up at the latest eleven. Niall doesn't answer, just looks at his feet with a blush. That's when it hits me. “Were you hooking up with that girl I saw?” I ask incredulously, “We just got here two days ago!”

Ignoring me completely, Niall asks, “So what's the big problem?”

“Don't expect to just get away off the hook.” I say, “Where'd you meet her? I'm not mad, you're just usually not the kind to hook up so soon after meeting someone.”

Niall sighs and asks, “Know that month during summer a few years ago that my family and I went to America?” I nod my head. “Well, something I didn't tell you was that I met a girl and we kinda dated and started having a long distance relationship, but just kinda lost touch after a while.”

“Okay, and what does that have to do with-” I start before it hits me, “Wait, is the girl that was here the girl you met?” I ask.

Niall nods shyly and replies, “Ya, I saw her when we went to the arcade. We talked a bit, not knowing who each other were, but then I brought up going to California when I was younger, and she mentioned how she used to live there, and we kinda put things together.”

“Wait, you met her at the arcade?” I ask.

Niall nods confused. “Ya, why?”

“You said you met one of Louis' friends at the arcade. Is it the same one?” I ask, a little mad to be honest because I don't want my friends associating with Louis' friends, 'cause that means I might have to see Louis more than I have to.

“Ya, why does it matter?” Niall asks, followed by, “And what was your big problem?”

I sigh and say, “To start, I just don't like the idea of you or Zayn associating with Louis or his friends, because that just means I might have to see Louis even more than I already have to.”

“I thought you were going to try and get along with him?” Niall asks, giving me a disappointed look.

“Ya, well I ended up getting a little too close to him.” I admit, sighing while I finally take a seat. Niall follows.

“What do you mean?” He asks.

“Well, last night Zayn came over and we got drunk-”

“I know that,” Niall interjects, “But what do you mean you got 'too close?' What did you do?”

I sigh before saying quickly, “I kinda sorta tied him to his bed and almost gave him a blow job.”

“You what!?” Niall asks, “Why would you do that? When I told you to get along, I meant with him, not his dick.”

“You think I wanted to do that?” I ask incredulously, “I can't control myself when I'm drunk!”

Niall sighs. “I know, I know, sorry, just... What'd you do when you saw him?” he asks.

“Well,” I begin, “I started out just kinda nervous what he'd do, but then I kinda snapped at him and told him not to mention it or bad things would happen.”

Niall sighs. Again. “So it looks like you kinda handled it on your own,” he says, “It may not have been the best way to deal with it, and it will undoubtedly be kind of awkward for a bit, but I would say just pretend it never happened.”

“But what do I do if he brings it up?” I ask.

“I don't know, change the subject or something?” He suggests, “Or, I don't know, you could tell him about the real you and you-know-who? You're gonna be living with him for a few months, he should probably know.”

“Are you crazy? I can't tell him! I can't even tell my mom! Or Zayn!” I snap at him, “Speaking of, where is Zayn?”

“Where is he ever? He's in his room sleeping. He's probably gonna be a bitch today. He's the worst with headaches.”

I laugh and joke, “The only person worse than him is you.”

“Can't deny that.” He chuckles. “Well, I hate to do this, but you should probably go. Zayn's waking up soon and I doubt you wanna be here for that.”

“Whatever,” I say while getting up, “You probably just wanna have your lady friend over to finish your business.” I raise my eyebrows up and down.

“Shut up.” He mumbles, getting up with a blush. I make my way to the door.

I open it and say, “Use protection!” before quickly shutting it and making my way down the stairs. Once I reach the bottom, I look up to see the girl from before sneaking back into the apartment. I chuckle and shake my head, getting into my car and driving back to my apartment.

Let's just hope Louis' decided to let the little incident go.


So it's Spring Break for me, so hopefully I'll be able to update pretty frequently this week!  All my friends are going places while I'm staying at home, so that's even more time for me! But my mom will probably make me clean my room:(

Anyway, as usually, Vote, Comment, Fan, do whatever you lovelies do!

Love you my Roomies!


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