Rohan X Reader

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You were enjoying your time with Rohan Kishibe at a small cafe when thunder boomed through the sky, loud enough to shake both you and the table. Dark, gloomy clouds rolled in practically out of no where and hid the bright blue sky from your view. Rohan looked up and then down at the table, a mildly irritated expression appearing on his face, "I was hoping this date might've gone well..." he mumbled, low enough to become inaudible for your ears. Before you had a chance to question him, however, waves of torrential downpour began and very quickly soaked your hair and clothes. 

"Damn!" you leaped out of your chair almost instantly, but there was really no way you could seek shelter in time to maintain any dryness of your possessions. Or at least that's what you thought. Surprisingly, in an instant and without any hesitation, Rohan had managed to scoop you up into a bridal-style carry. He sprinted towards his parked car across the road in an attempt to salvage the "date". He quickly flung open the driver seat door and sat inside, positioning you comfortably on his lap. Both of you were panting from how sudden everything had happened. "Where the hell did that even come from...?" you spoke in almost a daze, still trying to process what had just occurred.

"I'm not sure. Today promised only sunny weather... I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It seems we'll have to take refuge at my house now." Even though Rohan could simply drive you home, you didn't retaliate. "Oh, here," Rohan lifted you from the warmth of his body over to the passenger seat beside him. You were slightly dissapointed at this since the cold rain had you shivering through your damp clothes. You checked your bag, and fortunately enough it's contents were saved from the weather.


"Alright, be prepared to sprint inside... are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," you sighed and gripped the car door handle.

"Here we go," you and Rohan simeoultaneously opened the car doors and jumped from your seats. You did exactly as he instructed, making your way up to his porch and awaiting the sanctuary his mansion would soon provide. Rohan unlocked the front door and ushered you inside. "I'll lend you some dry clothes for the time being, one moment," you nodded in reply and looked down at your outfit

"I tried so hard to look nice," you laughed at how all the effort you put into your look had been literally washed away. Rohan returned with, as promised, dry clothes for you to wear.

"You may change in the bathroom and leave your clothes off to the side. I'll toss them in the dryer for you," Rohan gave you a genuine smile that was truly a rare gesture. For only a moment you decide to soak in the sight before complying.

"Thank you," you returned with a grin and continued towards the bathroom. The clothes unsuprisingly fit loosely on your body, yet it made out to be extremely comfortable. He even included a pair of underwear, which shocked you a bit, but you found yourself trying them on as well anyway. "This is... actually quite nice," you admitted to yourself when you finally took a peek in the mirror. I wouldn't mind wearing Rohan clothes more often, you pondered, and softly giggled at the though of sampling one of his headbands as well. Exiting the the bathroom, you were greeted with the pleasant aroma of tea from the kitchen. Carefully and quietly, you approached Rohan, peering over his shoulder to find two mugs of steaming tea sitting on the counter.

"I take it everything fits well?" You smirked and took a step back, Rohan turning to face you. "Ah, you don't look half bad," he commented with his hand place on his chin, observing your figure in the baggy clothes.

"Mhm, can't say that I dislike the fit," you confessed, gladly accepting the cup of tea Rohan held out to you. "When do you think I should head home?" You sipped the tea and Rohan had motioned for you to rest on the coach. Once more, you obliged, watching as he strided over to a window.

"Well I suppose once this rain lets up, but by the looks of it, that may not be anytime soon," he proceeded to accompany you with his legs criss-crossed on the sofa.

"I see," you took another sip. The gentle pitter patter of the rain, paired with the warmth surging through your body each time you swallowed some tea, the comfy cushioning of the furniture, and the presence of Rohan right beside you made you sort of drowsy. A smile was plastered on your lips as you rested your neck on the couch. Rohan took the time to scan over you and realise how at ease you were.

"Perhaps the weather is by my side today," Rohan lifted the mug to his lips with a pleased grin.

"Hmm?" You opened your eyes to peer over at him, unsure of what he murmured.

"Shh," Rohan placed his mug on the coffee table before him and gently pulled you into his grasp. He took your mug and placed it off to the side as well, laying your head into his chest. You found yourself in his lap for the second time today as he caressed your cheek and played with your hair. This became the epitome of relaxation for you. You eased into his touch and relaxed against his body, resting one hand against his chest.

"[Y/n]..." Rohan was only responded with silence, soon followed by soft snores. He paused for a second before lowering his head to yours, placing a kiss upon your forehead. "I'm really fond of you," he whispered and cradled you in his arms before drifting off into peaceful slumber himself.


~a series of fortunate events~ [jjba X reader]Where stories live. Discover now