Akira X Reader

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You have always been a lover of rock and metal. Your adoptive parents would play CDs of popular rock bands when you were young, and you grew really attached to those genres, your mother recalling memories of you dancing along or your father catching you playing with his drum set. Of course, this resulted in you maturing into a bit of a rebellious rock punk, and to this day you held a passion for drumming ever since you first sat before that glorious drum kit at age 2.

"Where to now?" You folded your arms across the marble countertop. Your mother turned to face you, offering a muffin in response to your growling stomach. You gladly accepted it and took a generous bite as she spoke up.

"Japan," you choked on a bit of muffin and began coughing from smaller crumbs tickling your throat afterwards.

"What? Really?! I thought we were going back to America after this?"

"Yup, I changed my mind. You better brush up on your Kanji little girl. We'll be heading to the airport tomorrow morning so you gotta get your stuff together tonight, too," she munched on her own double chocolate muffin with playful grin. At the moment you were crashing at a friend's house in Seoul, South Korea and had been staying here for almost a week. You and your mother had been on a crazy journey across the world ever since your adoptive father passed away a few years ago, apparently he had been secretly stocking up money for an international adventure anyways as your 16th birthday present. It had obviously taken you a while to come this far, now at age 18, but it was more than worth the trouble you faced while taking part in it.


"Alright, this is his place. He said the spare key was under the doormat," your mom gestured towards a visibly worn mat with her right foot as all her other limbs were occupied with carrying the luggage. You hastily flipped it up to find a small silver key underneath, just as she had said. Popping into the lock above the the door handle, you twisted it with a satisfying 'click', implying that the door was now unlocked. The apartment was surprisingly tidy.

"So who exactly is this guy?" You questioned as you helped your mom with some of the stuff. She gasped and lowered everything to the floor of a spare room you'd be sharing and collapsed on the bed.

"He's a young guitarist. Not well-known, but apparently very talented," she sat up and nudged you, "and only a year older than you..." she wiggled her eyebrows in a quirky manner as you just rolled your eyes.

"Are you sure he's not just some delinquent? Wait, how does he keep the place so clean? You said he's a year older than me, right? And not well-known? How does he afford to live by himself and-"

"Geez, [Y/n], is there every gonna be a time where you just give it a chance? You haven't even seen or met the boy and you're already so suspicious of him," you sighed and reached for your drumsticks in your back pocket. You found yourself attracted to the coffee table in the small livingroom and plopped onto the sofa beside it. You mindlessly tapped on the table with your drumsticks, alternating between random rhythmic patterns.

The front doorknob jiggled and you halted. Leaning back into the couch, you peered around the hallway corner in curiousity. A guy with long purple hair, a strange marking across his left eye, and vibrant clothes lowered some grocery bags near the entrance of the kitchen. After getting a good enough look, and before he could catch you checking him out, you reverted you attention back to the table and tapped lightly.

"Hey," his voice spoke out to you from behind where you were seated. You nonchalantly let you head fall back to the cushioning of the couch to look behind you, greeting him with a small, semi-forced grin.


"You must be [Y/n]. I'm Akira Otoishi," you stood from the couch and shook his outstretched hand.

~a series of fortunate events~ [jjba X reader]Where stories live. Discover now