Chapter 1- the move

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I sat in the back of my father's cruiser, my knees pressed against the metal barrier between myself, and Bella and my dad. I could already feel the bruises forming as I struggled to get comfortable in the back seat of the cop car. I could already tell this was going to be a tough year.

"So Bella, Brook, how have you guys been?" Charlie, our father, asked us.

"Good," we both hummed in unison.

Despite the fact that we are sisters, we are actually really close. We tell each other everything, and if one of us has a problem, the other is always there for them. Very seldom do we ever have something kept to ourselves, as we have always been so honest with each other.

We are similar in the aspect that we can't play sports and are very poorly coordinated and clumsy. We are also both magnets when it comes to bad things happening to us. And let's just say that those two things put together are not great. We have had people tell us that our voices sound the same as well, and on multiple occasions we have said the same thing at the same time.

With the similarities, there are so many more differences. Unlike her I don't mind talking to the people around me, accepting the new people. I am able to get up in front of a class a do a whole presentation and not me affected in the slightest. But when it comes to being the new person, I coward behind my sister, as I try and avoid eye contact with everyone.

The one thing that I am so appreciative of is that we have a different taste in the boys that we like. She tends to gravitate towards the boys that are reserved, the ones most admire from afar. The ones that she doesn't have a chance with, nor do any of the others do. I on the other hand, lean more towards those who are more outspoken, and aren't so mysterious. So we never have to argue over boys, and boys can never pull us apart.

"I can't believe how big you guys have gotten, it feels like yesterday you guys were just learning to walk," he smiled, as he looked at me in the back of the car.

We both just smiled back at him, not bothering to worry about small talk. We both just wanted to get to the house and settle down. But I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that it wasn't going to go that way. I have a feeling that we are going to be forced into putting unpacking on hold, and as we pulled up I could see why.

Standing by a rusty old, red truck,  I saw a boy that was around my age standing against it. His thick black hair fell down to his mid back, and his bangs were pulled back with an elastic. When he turned around and saw Charlie pulling up, his dark eyes and huge toothy grin were so familiar, and I realized why. Jacob Black. Charlie and Jacob's father, Billy Black, would have to quite literally pull us apart, as we couldn't get enough of each others company.

When Charlie opened the door, and Jacob's eyes fell on my, his grin got even wider. "Brook, you remember Jacob?"

"How could I forget?" I laughed, as Jacob walked to me with his arms opened wide for a hug. "My best friend."

He lifted me from the ground and did a little spin as he held me tightly. It had been only three years since we had last seen each other but it felt like so much longer. He set me down on the ground, before going to greet Bella with an awkward hug. I could tell my the way he looked at her that he thought she was attractive, and I couldn't help but feel a slight jealous that he didn't look at me that way.

"Hey Jacob," Bella smiled awkwardly, as he released her.

"Bella, I, uh, bought you a truck," Charlie spoke quietly as she looked at him with a look of disbelief.

"No way, dad you can't be serious," she said as she walked towards the old rusty truck. "This is amazing, thank you!"

"Only condition is, you've gotta drive your sister to school, and please don't ditch her," he pleaded to her, and she looked at me and smiled.

"Leave Brook to fend for herself? Never, besides, she's skipped a grade, and we have the same classes together," Bella smiled, seeming happy about that fact.

"Smart girl you have here, Charlie," Billy said, and I smiled at he looked at me with approving eyes.

Charlie chucked at little as he smiled in my direction. He was not used to receiving compliments about his children, or about his parenting, so he was showing his appreciation in the only, awkward way he could. I smiled back at him.

"Want to take that old truck of yours for a ride? I'm sure Jake will show you how to run it, the clutch is a little tricky," Billy informed Bella, as she looked towards me.

"You up for it?" She asked, looking at me, then to Jacob.

"As long as you don't crash us," I teased as I pushed her slightly as we made our way to the truck.

"Oh shut up!" She laughed back, pushed me again.

Jacob was looking at us like we were crazy. It was actually quite funny. He shook his head as we shoved him into the middle between the two of us. After he explained how to get it started and all that we were off. We didn't go far, or for a long drive, but when we got back Billy was ready to leave and Bella and I had unpacking to do.

"Well it was sure good seeing you two, and I'm sure Jacob is happy to have seen you guys too," Billy said, as Charlie helped him down the front porch in his wheelchair.

"It was nice seeing you as well," I smiled at him, as we all said goodbye, and Jacob promised to come visit again.


It took us around an hour to unpack all our clothes. My closet was depressing. It mostly consisted of leggings, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, boots, and knee high socks. I had a wool hat and a pair of gloves, and a winter jacket as well. I groaned as I laid back on the white bedding that had a bunch of sunflowers spread all across it. It just reminded me of mum's place. Where sunflowers actually grew.

There was a light knock on the door, before it opened and Bella's head poked it

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There was a light knock on the door, before it opened and Bella's head poked it. It was dark out and all I had on was the bedside lamp. I fought hard to hide the tears of frustration, sadness, fear, and homesickness that threatened to spill over my bottom lids. But it was impossible to hide them from Bella, as one single tear rolled down my cheek.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, as she came and sat down on the bed. "You got a part of home with you."

Her attempt to make me feel better and lift my spirits failed. I turned my face away from her as I wiped away the tears that were flowing now. She rubbed my back slowly, comforting me the way mum used to. I hugged her tightly, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I'm scared," I mumbled through my sobs. "What if they think I'm weird? Like what if they don't like me?"

"Brook, it's going to be okay. Just sleep on it. You'll be fine, I won't leave your side. We have all our classes together," she reminded me, as she laid me in my flowered bed, and tucked me in. "I'll come wake you in the morning."

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