Chapter 5 - paul lahote

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"So, Paul?" Bella asked once we got home, and while Charlie was still at work.

"What about him?" I asked, acting naive.

"What do you mean what about him? You guys were hanging off each other the whole time we were at the beach," she said, poking at me.

"When you've gotten somewhere in your relationship with Mr.Perfect, then you can ask me about mine," I chuckled at her, as I filled a glass of water for myself.

"Mr.Perfect? You mean Edward? It's going good," she nodded to herself and I just laughed. "No, but really why the immediate attraction to Paul?"

 "No, but really why the immediate attraction to Paul?"

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I giggled and smiled to myself at the thought of him. I imagined his arms wrapped around me again, and his beautiful eyes staring into mine. I just couldn't get enough of the thinking about him. I felt like a school girl with a big crush all over again.

"He's an attractive being," I told her, dumping the water I got back into the sink.

"Well then after talking to him, why are you acting funny?" She asked, just as the phone rang.

She grabbed it and answered, her smile spread across her face, and the look she gave me indicated that it was for me. I tried to snatch the phone away from her, but she wouldn't let me get it. I felt tears of anger and frustration set in. This is another thing that me and my sister have in common. We cry when we get mad and frustrated.

"You want to speak to Brook?" Bella asked, as she looked at me, as I now had tears streaming own my face."She's right here."

Once Bella handed me the phone, she informed me that she was going grocery shopping. I nodded as I sat cross legged on the counter. I sniffled as I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hey," I mumbled, my mood ruined by Bella.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could take you driving tonight," he asked, and my mood brightened slightly.

"What time?" I asked, as I looked out the front to see Charlie's cruiser pulling up.

"In an hour," he said, and I smiled into the phone.

"It hasn't even been an hour since we last saw each other and you already want to take me out again?" I laughed into the phone, shaking my head.

"Hey Brook,"Charlie greeted me as he hung his gun belt on the hanger.

"Can I go for a ride in a hour with a friend?" I asked, and I heard Paul laugh slightly through the phone.

"With who?" He asked, looking at me with a serious face, just as Bella walked in.

"Paul Lahote," I said, as Paul threw his last name to me through the phone.

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