Chapter 4 - lapush

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I climbed out of my sisters truck to the smell of the ocean swept into my nostrils. It was such a comforting and familiar smell that brought me back to my childhood. It was exactly how I remembered it. I smiled as I saw the group of people around the campfire.

I followed Bella down to the bonfire, and I immediately recognized the group of people from our table at school, along with Jacob. He had a few people with him that I didn't recognize, but I fell as quickly as Bella had for Edward for one boy in particular. He looked across the fire the moment I walked over, and his eyes were locked with mine.

 He looked across the fire the moment I walked over, and his eyes were locked with mine

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Bella looked toward him as our eyes remained locked. She then looked back at me, as I allowed myself to break the eye contact. As I did, the boy looked away, staring at his feet in the sand. I sighed as I knew what Bella was going to say.

"See someone you like?" She asked, as I looked down at my feet.

Before I could answer her, Jacob came over to us and gave us both hugs. I smiled, happy to be pulled out of the question that Bella was going to ask. I smiled at him as he greeted us. Following him were four boys, two of which looked older than the others.

"Bella, Brook, this is Sam, Embry, Quil, and Paul," he introduced as they all shook our hands.

"Nice to meet you," Paul, the boy that had been staring at me said, as he held my hand for slightly too long.

"You too," I mumbled, as I looked away from his intimidating dark eyes.

We all sat around the fire, I had Bella to one side, and Paul to the other. He sat slightly too close to me for my comfort, but I tried not to reflect my feelings. Every so often he would ask me something or tell me something about the area around here, as he poked at the fire with a stick.

"Hey, Brook, Jake and I are going to go walking along the beach this way," Bella informed me, and as she got up and left, Paul tapped my shoulder.

"Walk with me?" He asked, offering me a hand as he stood up beside me.

"Uh, sure," I smiled nervously.

As we walked in the opposite direction of Bella and Jacob, he didn't release my hand. He intertwined my fingers with his, and his thumb rubbed small circles on the top of my hand. If felt oddly comfortable and natural considering he was a stranger that I had just met.

"So, how are you liking Forks?" He asked me, as he looked down at my face.

I grabbed our hands with my other hand, and traced the visible veins. Despite the cold, his hands were so warm, and his skin was so soft. I smiled at the sight of his fingers tangled with mine.

"Well, I'm not fond of the weather. I hate rain and wet, not to mention the cold. But the people are nice so far," I spoke quietly, as I looked up at him for the first time. His dark eyes were now soft and inviting.

"Then why did you move here?" He asked me, as we stopped about 150 yards from the fire. He was now facing me, taking my other hand his his.

"Well, I just followed my sister really. I can't imagine living without her, and the thought of being hundreds of miles apart didn't make me feel comfortable. And I thought it would be good to spend some time with my dad," I explained, as his hands dropped mine and he started to run his hands up my jacket.

I took a slight, unconscious step back, and he dropped his hands. A painfully apologetic look crossed over his face, and I felt a shape pang of guilt fill my body, despite not doing anything wrong. I took his hands in mine again, but I couldn't bring myself to look up into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's just there is something about you that draws me to you," he told me, as he squeezed my hands.

"It's fine, it's all good," I told him, as I looked up into his face. His features were beautiful.

He was the exact opposite of Edward. His skin was relatively dark, in comparison to Edwards white completion. His eyes were so dark they were almost black. His jaw stood out, as well as his slightly crooked nose. His facial features were far from perfect, but something about them attracted me to him. His flaws made him perfect. It made him seem real unlike Edward with his perfect looking face.

"What?" He asked, after I had been looking at him for a few moments too long.

"Nothing, sorry, I was just admiring you," I told him the truth, as my cheeks went red. He laughed slightly.

"I'm nothing compared to any of the boys over there. Every one of them are better looking than I am. I can even admit that Jacob is," he said, as he turned around and sat on a log, with his back facing me and the waves.

I walked over to him, and sat beside him. He had a look of pain on his face, and I couldn't understand why. He almost looked as if he were about to cry. I timidly hooked my arm with his, as he flinched slightly. I felt the odd urge to comfort him.

"No," was all I said.

"What do you mean no?" He grunted, as he looked away from me. I held his hand in mine, as his fingers hung lazily, with no effort to reciprocate the gesture.

"You're wrong. Don't think of yourself that way," I told him, as I pressed my face into his shoulder. I felt a shiver run up my spine.

"Are you cold?" He asked me, as he turned to me.

"A little," I admitted, as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and hugged me close.

"Good think I'm always warm," he chuckled, as I can only imagine he was referring to my statement about not liking the cold.

I laughed with him, as I pressed my cheek to his chest. I could hear the deep rumbles of his laugh, and the steady beat of his heart pounding in his chest. I smiled to myself, as my body slowly started to warm up. It felt right. I didn't want it to be over, but sure enough it was.

I pulled away from him when I heard the thunder crash from the sky. I looked up at the rolling storm clouds and sighed. Rain. Why can't it be sunny for one day? Paul got up and took my hand in his again. He spun me around, and pulled me close again as I laughed after falling into his arms quite literally.

"I'm sorry, twirling doesn't go well with the uncoordinated," I laughed as we walked back, his hand in mine.

"It's an honour to be the man who caught your fall," he said, speaking in a loud authoritative voice that I believe made him think he sounded like a brace prince who just saved the princess. But I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll catch up with you soon," I smiled at him as he dropped my hand.

"You better, or I'll come find you," he laughed.

"That's not difficult, especially when you have Jacob around," I smiled, as he waved at me, and Bella and I disappeared into her truck. I felt myself grow warm inside with the feelings I was quickly developing for this boy.

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