Chapter 8- werewolf pt.2

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After visiting with Emily for a bit Paul pulled me outside to go for a little walk. He held my hand loosely as we walked down a narrow trail. I couldn't help but feel a little fearful of Paul after what I had just witnessed despite Sam's confidence in nothing bad happening.

We got to a little area that was opened in amongst the forest. It was full of beautiful flowers and the sky, which happened to be cloudless for once. He spun me around a little, and I smiled half heartedly at the ground. I couldn't get rid of the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I couldn't let myself relax.

He looked down at me with his head tilted to the side slightly in confusion

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He looked down at me with his head tilted to the side slightly in confusion. I looked away from him, into the dark bushes around us. His words from the night before about his anger lingered in my mind. He dropped my hand and took a step back.

"You're afraid, I can sense it," he grunted, releasing a low growl from deep in his chest. I took a half step back. "I'm not some big bad monster!"

"I know you're not," I mumbled, as I turned away from him.

"Then what are you afraid of? Because right now, there is nothing to be afraid of," he flung his arms in the air as he spoke and I flinched away from him. He looked at me and just shook his head.

"I have the right to be scared. I just saw the guy I'm dating and my best friend turn into wolves! And watching that, you guys didn't look too friendly," I almost yelled at him, as I felt tears starting to rush to my eyes.

"If you're scared of me, why are you still here?" He snapped, his breathing growing a little heavier.

"Because I'm scared to loose you," I almost yelled, as I turned my back to him and ran my hand through my hair.

"You're scared of me, and you're scared to loose me? That makes so much sense Brook!" He exclaimed, as he paced back and forth.

"It's not you, I'm not scared of you, I'm scared of what you are capable of doing," I told him, still not looking at him.

"Brook, do you really think that I could hurt you?" He asked, grabbing my arm and spinning me around to face him.

"I don't think you'd ever mean to hurt me," I whispered, as I saw the rage building up in Paul's eyes.

He walked backwards to the edge of the forest and exploded into his wolf form. His head was hanging low, his teeth bared. I took a step back as he stepped forward. In his rage he must have noticed that my fearful state had inflamed. He relaxed himself, before slowly making his way over to me.

I sighed, as he put his head to my chest, and his breathing calmed. I hesitantly placed my hands on either side of his face as he raised his head. I was torn. No longer scared at the moment, and having him show me that he is able to calm himself while getting me out of harms way while he's angry helped. He released a low whine. I shook my head.

"What are we going to do with you," I laughed lightly as he laid down at my feet.

I sat down beside him, leaning on him. His fur was warm and soft. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Paul had turned into this giant wolf. All the while, I was laying in a field with him. My fear had evaporated as if it weren't there anymore, and I felt myself trust him more. I leaned into him more. He turned and laid his head on my lap, eyes closed.


Bella and I got home that night and sat in her room for hours. We were both in disbelief of what happened. We just sat with each other not saying anything. It was a comfortable silence.

"You smell like dog," Bella mumbled as I sat on her bed next to her.

"I'm dating a person that can turn into a wolf," I said, ignoring her comment.

"Be careful," she said looking towards me.

"He won't hurt me," I told her, looking at her with a mask of betrayal.

"You seen Emily's face. Sam lost control for one minute, and that's where it got her. And there is nothing different in Sam and Emily's relationship than in yours and Paul's," Bella explained.

"I trust him. He couldn't hurt me."

There was a knock on her window before she could respond. We jumped as it happened again. Bella cautiously walked towards the window and looked down. Her face was one of relief. I walked over and looked down too. She opened her window.

"Paul is at your window Brook," Jacob called back as I almost ran to my room.

I slid the window opened and looked down to see Paul's big smile smiling up at me. I leaned on the window sill and I felt like the girl in the movies.

"Back up, I'm coming up," he said, as I stepped back from the windows. Within seconds, he was standing in front of me, his chest bare without a shirt.

He walked up to me, while I was standing there in my pyjama shorts that were too short and my old tank top, and grabbed my waist while pulling me into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he pressed his forehead to mine. I smiled to myself.

"Hello, beautiful," he whispered, pressing his lips to mine.

"You always act as if we haven't seen each other for a month," I laughed, as he pushed me back in the bed, and a gasp left my lips.

"Because I hate spending time away from you," he said, his voice deep as he crawled onto my bed and leaned over me, kissing me again, letting his lips linger on mine a second longer.

"Is that so?" I asked, as he flipped over, and had me straddling him. I ran my hands up his body from his abs to his neck before leaning down and kissing him again.

"Yeah," he said but before his lips touched mine he flipped me on to my bed and rolled onto the floor.

Charlie opened the door and looked at me, he looked quite puzzled. I pulled the blankets over me and laid down. I looked at him again.

"Who were you talking to?" He asked me.

"Mum called," I smiled as I lied.

"Okay, well have a good night," he smiled back and closed my door. Paul waited a good ten minutes before climbing into the bed with me.

"Good thing about being a werewolf is your hearing and sense of smell are heightened," he laughed quietly as he climbed under the blankets with me. I shivered as the cold air hit me.

I rolled over and laid half way on to his chest. He reached over and turned the light off. I listened to his steady heartbeat as I closed my eyes. He was rubbing my back softly as I laid there and I smiled to myself.

"I'm so happy I met you," I whispered to him.

"I am too," he whispered back just before I fell asleep.

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