PART 13 (The Final Part)

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Part 13 (The Final Part)

"FIRST LOVE...That's exactly what they are. Those are the ones that introduced you to everything, made you love them, loved you back, and also broke your heart. But no matter how hurt you are, you'll always love them. Always. They'll stay with you forever. And not only will you not notice it, but deep down you will compare every other person to them. And none of them will live up, because that person was your first love. After months of letting go, when you finally think you are okay with letting them go, they'll call, or you'll hear "your" song, or you'll pass by a place that was important to both of you, or see a movie or something that remind you of how much they meant and how much you really loved them and realize you're not completely over this person as much as you hoped."



As you might have guessed, things really didn't work out for me and Eric Jude 😢😢😢😢...

The day after sia "cuti sakit" tu and the day yg Maira called me bgtau sia pasal Eric kena buang sekolah, sia pg sekolah mcm biasa. Perasaan dia masa tu Tuhan saja yg tau...Everything started out in this school. Eric and I had tonnes of memories there, well, bukan saja good memories but sadly memories yg not so good to remember. Yes I'm referring to case dia tu lah, dengan Lunna, Flo and bunch of their friends tu...😳

Tau kah apa sia fikir masa tu? Jahat jugalah bila sia fikir balik, tp mimang itu lah sia fikir masa tu. Dalam fikiran sia kan, ni benda semua tidak akan terjadi kalau the alleged home wrecker tidak wrecked Eric's parents punya marriage. Betul kah tidak? Everything was totally fine kan sebelum tu kejadian? Siapa sangka, pasal hal grown ups ni, kisah cinta c Eric Jude and Gwen Alayna Caleigh pula yg putus di tengah jalan gia kan? Tp klu sudah begitulah ketentuan takdir orang bilang 😢😢😢...

Sia sampai jak sana school, sia rasa mo menangis. Jangah kasi salah sia aaa, memang cengeng betul sia masa ni, sikit2 mo nangis hahah. Tp ini tidak bermakna sia lemah. Sia kan cool deblang c Eric. Tp cool2 pun, soal hati dan perasaan or to be precise soal putus cinta ni, siapa2 pun akan rasa apa yg sia rasa. Well, if it's true (love) orang bilang, it will hurt like hell, at least for me, gitulah sakit dia sia rasa.

I can't even look at every inches and corners or nooks and cranes di sekolah ni without thinking about Eric. Mcm masa tu sia rasa sia pula yg mau pindah sekolah. Mana2 sia nampak bayangan kami berdua masa kami masih happily together. Nampak canteen ingat Eric, nampak blok class form two ingat Eric, nampak kawan2 kami, ingat Eric...It will definitely not gonna feel the same after this. That I can promise. But what option do I have but to just hold it in, put my chin up and move on? Well I have to juga bah kan at some point, klu tidak sia yg akan rugi sendiri. But healing process will definitely takes time. Time saja yg boleh heal apa juga rasa kecewa dan kehilangan yg kita rasa.

Sia jalan menuju pigi kelas, sia sengaja jalan lambat2 ni. Tiba2 sia nampak Eric sana depan pintu pejabat guru. Dia tidak nampak sia. Sia contemplating ni samada mo pg jumpa dia kah tidak. Sia akui, walaupun sia terluka dengan perbuatan2 dia, sia masih sayang dia. Sia tidak buat salah sama dia bah kan? Well mungkin ada jugalah salah sia, sia tidak dapat ada sama dia masa dia perlukan sia. Itukan deblang sbb dia boleh terjebak ikut2 durang c Lunna dan akhirnya dia pilih Flo over me. Bila ingat tu balik sia gigit bibir, marah. But being me, sia ada cakap kan awal2 part tu yg sia ni jenis tidak suka drag2 masalah, sia suka settle once and for all. So berpegang sama itu quality dalam diri, I walked towards c Eric. Sia nampak dia duduk sana tembok rendah tempat tanam bunga sana depan tu pejabat guru. He looked so lost and confused, just as Maira said. My poor Eric 😢...Opps, I forgot, he's not mine sudah pula 😳😳😳...

First Love Is The Deepest by GwenWhere stories live. Discover now