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It's so odd how things work, I wish I could understand it but the sad reality is I don't and probably never will. I use to think everyone had a person out there for them, I was soon shown the cruel reality that that's not the case. Take my mother, for example, she's been married and divorced twice has 2 baby daddies and is currently single at age 48, I'd say if there was someone out there for her she would have found them. I think this idea of true love is a bunch of shit we created to make ourselves not fear being alone as much, because someone at some point will love us, right? I swear love is such garbage I could fucking puke, why am I going to put my trust and faith into another sad excuse for a human that understands what it means  to love you as long as you're pretty, rich, or successful just to turning their back when shit hits the fan because "I didn't sign up for this" no sorry you're right the months of "I love you's" and "I'll always be here" means you didn't sign up for the hard part of life it just means you're a liar

Just the 3am rambling of a sad insomniacWhere stories live. Discover now