Chapter Two

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I breathe in relief as I walk out of my high-school, glad that I had finished my last day as a junior. I was so ready to graduate.

I'm about to crouch into my run-down car when my friend Joe yells out, "Bye Shortstack, have a good summer!" I roll my eyes and laugh as I yell back, "5'2 isn't that short, dipshit!"

I drive home, a slight smile on my face. I'm at a red light when a black Sedan pulls up beside me, and instinctively I lock my doors and my heart begins to race. When I realize that it isn't a Lamborghini I try to calm myself down.

When I park into my driveway, I remember my flute in my trunk. I open the trunk and pull out the flute case, slamming the door shut. I'm about to walk about when I noticed a folded piece of paper taped on my back window. I pull it off, and stare at it as I feel for the doorknob and walk inside. I put my bag and flute on the counter as I lean against the edge. My name is written on the front of it in a small, scribbled fashion. I open it and frown as my gut twists in unease. It read:

Tonight. Your locked window won't keep me out sweetheart.

My heart races as I grab my stuff off of the counter and run upstairs, the note pressed into my hand. I throw my bag on the ground and place the flute beside it and sit on my bed, reading the note ten more times.

I crumple it up and threw it at my wall. I was going to be home alone tonight, being the only kid left in the house and my parents out of town for four more days. Deciding I didn't want to chance the note being a prank, I pull my phone out and call my friend Grace.

As soon as I got the okay from Grace to stay overnight at her house, I shove some clothes and a toothbrush into a bag, lock all of the windows and entrance doors in the house, and run outside to my car.

I lock my car doors and speed out of the neighborhood. Grace's house is an hour away so I figure I'll be safe.

The entire car ride is silent, and I contemplate the contents of the short note. I have no idea who it could've come from, I didn't think I had a stalker.

I park by the side of Grace's huge house, locking my car and walking up to the front door. I knock on the door and within seconds my face is squished into Grace's pale neck. She releases me and grins.

"I missed you buddy." I say, and I touch a lock of her ginger hair. Her brown eyes twinkle as she smiles even wider as she pulls me inside.

I admire her fancy but simplistic house as she pulls me into the huge kitchen and forces me on a stool.

"What would you like me to make you?" Grace says, and I giggle as I spin around in the stool.

"Could I get a can of SpaghettiO's, Chef?" I ask seriously, my lips twitching and I end up smiling.

"Coming right up ma'am!" She yells in a grand voice, and it struck me how much I missed her. The note starts to creep up in my thoughts again so I busy myself with watching Grace open the can of SpagettiO's, pour them into a bowl and stick them in the microwave. As they heat up, Grace instantly begins pestering me about my love life.

"Nothing's changed Grace, my love life is nonexistent and I'm perfectly okay with that." I assure her, but she shakes her head anyways.

"Jackie, you haven't dated anyone since ninth grade. It's time." She says in a serious voice, and I laugh.

"What about you, ginger?" Making the conversation about her and listening intently as she tells me about the long list of boys after her.

Grace is gorgeous, and boys have always had a crush on her from the first day in kindergarten. It's been that way our entire childhoods. I don't think I'm ugly, but I definitely don't compare to Grace.

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