Chapter Nine

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My eyes peel open. Everything is white, but it eventually dims down so I can scan my surroundings.

Disappointment fills me when I look down at my bandaged arms.

"Wanted to die that badly, babygirl?" A bitter and angry Mike retorts. My eyes snap up to his tall figure leaning against the bed frame. He's watching me like a hawk. I press my back into the comfortable bed, relishing the feeling before responding.

"Obviously, I used a fucking bottle cap." I smooth my hands against the black comforter. "Gotta say, this is a nice upgrade."

"So you think this is funny? You think you'll be staying in here forever?" He snaps, his back stiffening up.

I shrug. "If you put me back in that room and try to starve me, I'll just do this again." I smile tauntingly at him. "And I'll be successful that time around."

He slams his hand down onto the comfy bed. The veins in his inked arms stick out. His lips are pressed into a thin line. But goddammit he still has a beautiful face, though I can't help but feel revolted every time I look at it.

"This behavior and attitude will not be tolerated. You think that was bad? Baby, I can get so much worse." He says, moving closer with every word, so that his face is inches from mine.

"Then make it worse. Make me suffer more. You won't hear me begging for mercy." I challenge him, pushing my face even closer to his, glaring into his green eyes. His eyes narrow, and they flicker to my lips.

"You're such a tease." He murmurs, the tone of his voice completely taking a 180. He smashes his lips against mine, and I kiss back for a second, only to take his bottom lip in between my teeth and bite down harshly. He growls as he grips my chin and forces me off if his, his bottom lip dripping blood down his chin. I spit out the taste of his blood.

He wipes the blood off with the back of his hand, staring down at it for a moment before snapping his eyes back to mine. The anger and lust in them makes me want to cower away, but I hold my ground, smugly crossing my arms and laying against the pillows.

He starts to laugh lowly. "You're gonna regret that sweetheart." Before I can move out of the way, he lays against my body, pinning my tender wrists above my head. He places his lips back on my mine, and I press my lips together as hard as I can. He works his lips against mine, his tongue occasionally flicking against them. He squeezes my wrists so harshly that I sharply inhale, careful to keep my mouth closed. My arms throb in protest.

"Kiss me back." He says, and I shake my head fervently. He sighs and trails his hand down the huge sweatpants I'm wearing, slipping his hand in them. I immediately start to thrash around.

"Stop!" I shout through gritted teeth. He smirks sickeningly at me.

"Then kiss me back," he presses his hand over my underwear. My entire body stiffens up. "Or I'll touch you."

"You sick bastard! You said you wouldn't take advantage of me!" I snarl, and he shakes his head.

"I never keep my promises baby."

I shake my head as he pushes his lips back onto mine. His fingers begin to move against my clitoris over my underwear, and I cry out in protest.

"Better start kissing me back." He says against my lips, and I contemplate what to do. I shakily part my lips and let him kiss me, sighing in relief when his hand stops moving in my pants. He bites my bottom lip, and I know what it means. I squeeze my eyes shut and weakly kiss back, trying to think of anything and everything else except the feeling of his lips against my own.

He pushes his tongue into my mouth and I try to pull away. His hand presses against me again. I want to start crying as I kiss back again, avoiding his tongue as much as possible. And though I'm complying, his fingers start to rub against me. I pull away successfully.

"I'm kissing back, so stop touching me!" I yell, my voice wavering. He trails his lips onto my neck.

"Let me make you feel good babygirl." He murmurs, rubbing me through my underwear. I feel dirty.

"No! Please stop, I don't want this!" I protest, my eyes welling up with tears. I shut them.

"Your body is saying otherwise." He says, and it's his turn to taunt me.

A tear slides down my face. "Please." My voice cracks, and with a sigh he trails his hand back up my pants. He releases my wrists, and sits up, observing my face. I sit up as well.

"I thought you enjoyed that." He says in bewilderment, watching me as I wipe the tear away. I glare at him.

"You made me!" I nearly scream. He smirks.

"I think you're secretly a little slut." He says, and I punch him in the face as hard as I can.

"You're a disgusting, revolting piece of shit." I snarl at him. He rubs his face, before raising his hand to slap me. I turn as his hand collides with my cheek to lessen the impact. I don't rub my face. I don't want to look more weak.

"Keep it up. You're going to wish you were dead once I'm finished with you." He laughs as he stands up, walking towards the door.

"I already wish I was." I say evenly, flipping him off as he walks out the door. I flop back against the pillows, my cheek throbbing lightly. My eyes widen as I spot a window. I can already see from here that it's bolted shut. I would have to break the glass to get through.

I look around the room and to no surprise, find a camera pointing at me.

But this time I'm going to get out. Or I will literally die trying.

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