Meet Evangeline Rosalie Peterson, also known as Eva Rose. She is 14 years old. She has green eyes and curly blond hair that is dip dyed turquoise. She is about 5 feet 2 inches tall and is very skinny. She has many issues in her life. She has her own YouTube channel. It's called CuteAs_a_Button. She does makeup and hair tutorials, baking and craft tutorials, challenges and tags, and the occasional vlog. Her channel just gained a lot of subscribers for reasons to be revealed, and she is overjoyed.
He was Jack Baran. Charming, cute, tall, funny, handsome. Every girls' dream right? Who knows? Maybe, maybe not.
Meet Our2ndLife, also known as O2L. This group consists of Trevor Moran, the fifteen year old singer and queen of pop. Kian Lawley, an eighteen year old boy who loves the beach. Sam Pottorff, the adorable eighteen year old who is most commonly known for his message to his fans, "stay beautiful." Jc Caylen, the twenty-one year old with a cloud tattoo. Connor Franta, twenty-one years old, loves Starbucks, Tumblr, and cats (I know hes not a part of it anymore but for the sake of this story he is). And last, but most certainly not least, Ricky Dillon, the twenty-two year old who loves Panera and his hair.
The Way You Are (a ThatSoJack fanfiction)
FanfictionShe was a girl from the city that just wanted to make it on Youtube. He was a boy from Connecticut that was kind of awkward. They were a group of crazy boys that had a collab channel. Who would've thought that being assigned with these boys would ch...