Chapter 5

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I was just walking around the movie rental store to rent some movies let's see what have we got here Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday The 13th, Saw, Paranormal Activity wow a lot of choices and of course I wasn't scared to any of these films but oh well. I decided to pick up Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th I was running short on cash. When I was in line I swear I saw a teenage Quinn Fabray in front of me could it be... Wait no Shelby is in California.

"Hello ladies" said the register Man

"Wow interesting choices Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Thor: The Dark World, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Despicable Me 2 and The Lion King 2" said the register man

"The theme is Sequels" said the Girl that looked like Quinn

"Ok do any of you ladies have a member ship card?" Asked the register Man?

"Oh yea I do" said the Quinn look alike" then she gave the card to the man

"Beth Puckermann 5 movies" said the man as he typed away on his computer

Could this be her, could this Be my little girl, could this be Beth. I was hoping that she she would stay so I could get a photo of her. Without her knowing of course

After buying my movies she was still talking to friends so I had a opportunity when I saw Rachel walk in"

"Hey Rachel, Selfie" I said

"Umm ok" Rachel said

I took a picture with Rachel but I "accidentally" forgot to turn around the camera then my phone went flat.

"Whoops sorry my camera wasn't flipped" I said

"That's ok" said Blaine

"I gotta go bye" I said

"Ok bye" said Rachel

I drove to Quinn's house to show her the photo I took while my phone was on charge in the car. We are not together but are still friends

I ran straight to the door and knocked as loud as I could hoping Quinn was home

"Hey Puck what's up?" Quinn asked

I walked straight through the door and closed it angrily

"I think I found her" Puck said

"Found who, that twelve year old who the news reported was missing in Lima?" Quinn asked

"Not her... I found Beth" I said Quinn's fave was in shock

"No no no Shebly and Beth are in California" said Quinn

"When I was at the movie store Beth was and her friends were in front of me, when she gave her membership card to the man he said Beth Puckermann" I said

"What does she look like then?" Quinn asked

"She looks exactly like you when you were her age" I Said "I even snuck in a photo" I said then I showed her the photo and her face.

"You call Shelby you get along with her better than I do" Quinn said

"Um... Why?" I asked

"We're living in the same town as our daughter, why wouldn't we see her?" Asked Quinn

"Yeah... Good point" I said

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