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Just because you don't look like somebody who you think is attractive doesn't mean you aren't attractive. Flowers are pretty, but so are sunsets and they look nothing alike~Unknown.

ELHAM'S POV Grey eyes.

Cold grey eyes looked into mine almost sending shivers down my spine as i looked straight back at them.

"Will you please introduce yourself to the class?" The English teacher, Mrs Hala requested , adjusting the eyeglasses on the bridge of her nose.

Everyone was expecting him to speak but his eyes were still on me, looking at me intently and making me wonder if i had ever offended this stranger. Scared, I quickly looked away and diverted my gaze to the notebook resting on the desk in front of me. I just could not understand why some weird new boy in school was shooting glares at me. I was sure i had never seen this stranger before and i was starting to wonder if this was some sort of reality tv prank show.

"Why's he staring at you like that?" My best friend whispered and I merely shrugged. I had no idea why he was either.

"I don't know, but its freaking me out" I whispered to her, trying to not be loud.

Everyone was now staring at me, making me feel rather uncomfortable that so much attention was on me.

"Will you please introduce yourself to the class so I can carry on?" The elderly woman asked again, causing everybody's attention to divert away from me.

Phew, thank goodness!

I stole a glance at him, scared of meeting his cold grey eyes and fortunately for me, he wasn't looking at me anymore.

I let out a breath, relieved that those eyes were not on me anymore. His eyes searched the whole class, as though he was looking for someone.

"I'm. Asaad Khaled, And.." He stopped, his eyes landing right on me, making me gulp.

Could this get any weirder or creepier?

"And it is nice to meet you all" he completed his sentence and the whole room became filled with lots of murmuring as he walked to the back of the class and sat down.

"Why's he acting so cringe?" I whispered to my best friend.

"Probably because he knows he's hot" she responded, winking at me.

I was scared that this boy was a serial killer and maybe I was most probably his next target.

Yes, I'm this dramatic.

But no, he did not look like he could even kill a fly, let alone a person, Rather, he looked sad, Depressed actually. He had eye bags and it was obvious that he had deprived himself of some sleep. As he passed by me, dressed in a plain black hoodie and black jeans, i noticed that there was a faint cigarette smell that followed his strong cologne.

He smoked? I wondered.
There was something about the way he carried himself, the way he spoke. His voice, and how he had a sense of authority around him. Tall and built, with his messy black hair falling on his forehead. There was just something about him that pulled me to him. I felt a weird kind of connection that i had never felt before.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as i heard  a lot of whispers and murmurs, erupting.

"When I heard some girls talking about how hot the new boy is, i thought they were exaggerating. But seeing him makes me feel like whatever they said about him was an understatement. Having such an attractive boy in your class is such a bad distraction!" My best friend muttered and I rolled my eyes.

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