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Dedicated to _Sana_543



I peeled my eyes open and the rays of sunlight that shone through the window blinded me. I squinted, then sat up straight and rubbed my eyes.

The thoughts of the previous night came back rushing and I quickly shut my eyes close and fell back on the bed.

I groaned.

After picking me up,Imaan brought me home. I could remember my mom asking a lot of questions which of course Imaan had to answer for me since I was such a mess. She knew little about what had happened but I was confident she had given my mom a perfect explanation. I slept with the intention of not going to school today. It wasn't ideal. I wasn't ready to face anyone.

I reached for my phone. It was a few minutes after 10am. I let out a sigh and sat up.

What had happened yesterday had definitely got to me a lot. I couldn't imagine what people were saying in school. And the videos? Hundreds of students had played it hundreds of times by now. To say this was embarrassing was an understatement.

Realizing I had missed my subh prayer, I stood up clearly disappointed in myself. I had taken a sleeping pill the night before which was why but there shouldn't be an excuse to Salaah to be very honest.

I went into my bathroom, bathed, performed wuduh and did my Salaah. 

I felt better. After praying to Allah asking him for ease.

I simply wore grey sweatpants and a yellow sweater as it was quite a cold morning, before heading downstairs.

The strong smell of garlics hit my nostrils before reaching down completely.

Did Arab mothers ever cook without garlic?

"Morning Ummi" I said, heading to the fridge to grab some juice.

"Elham my dear. How was your night? And how're you feeling?" She asked. I could remember walking passed her and ignoring whatever she was saying as I headed to my room yesterday night. Leaving my best friend to come up with a perfect explanation.

Ummi was growing slimmer by the day. Her cheek bones now pronounced, her hair was loosing its shine, her eyes not as bright as they used to be but a smile plastered on her face as always.

"I'm fine" I sat by the counter. "Where's father? He's left or still in town"
Sometimes, I did forget I had a father. He was rarely at home, and even when he was back, he most usually never slept or even stayed at home. We were like his abandoned family or something. The only thing he did was send us money. Lots of money actually. I had a credit card which I almost never used. I just mostly saved all the money he sent to me. I didn't need it now but I was someday gonna need it. I looked around our white kitchen. Ummi's favorite color. She said it represented 'peace'

"Your father's still in town. He came in this morning to grab a few documents and left immediately after" She said, stirring whatever it was in the pan.

I was glad he didn't stay at home though because whenever he did, we both ended up in tears.

"Mom, do you never cook?" I asked her. I knew it was her hobby. But seriously where did all the food she cooked go anyways. I wasn't the food type and all. I knew she did share it to a couple of neighbors especially the Jaleel's but that was about it.

"I asked you a question first. How're you feeling?" Her eyes met mine and I frowned.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah Ummi. You?"

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