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Dedicated to somo16

Sometimes we're so immersed in our problems that we don't realize there is a reason why things happen the way they do. The Almighty has a plan for everything we experience. Nothing Is ever wasted. Sooner or later, we'll see the light of the day and thank him.
~Mufti Menk.



After the fits of laughter, Aseeyah showed me to the girl's room so I could get dry. The house seemed empty with little furniture that made the house still echo. It seemed like a house rather than a home.

My head was pounding and I knew it was because I had cried a lot earlier.

When I was done, I walked down the room and headed back down the stairs.

"Phew! I was starting to think you got lost" Asaad said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. He was starting to get more comfortable around me and talked more.

"Anyway, you deserve a proper introduction" Aseeyah said smiling.
"I'm Aseeyah, his older sis, That's Asma" she stated the last part, pointing at the younger girl. She smiled at me and I returned it.
"I'm Aslam and yeah I know, I'm so cute" the little boy said and I chuckled, shaking my head.
"You are actually. And I'm Elham" I said out loud.

They asked me a few questions about myself and I answered them. Checking my phone, I realized it was running late and I had to get going.

From all I had observed, Aseeyah was a confident lady and she seemed to get along with people easily and was very friendly but she also seemed like she could be very harsh if you stepped on her toes. Asma seemed reserved but nice. She also seemed like a shy person and she was very girly too. Aslam talked a lot and he seemed to have so much confidence in himself , he was very smart from the way he kept on speaking and he seemed like a foodie. They all seemed nice and normal apart from Asaad.

Seriously, that guy always acted shady.

"Well... I need to get going" Asaad looked at me. He hadn't uttered a word throughout my conversation with his siblings. Only watched and smiled here and there. Apart from that, he was busy with his phone and I couldn't help but wonder why he always looked serious while typing on his phone.

I wanted to ask them about their parents but not wanting to be nosy, I refrained.

"Well it's raining so maybe Asaad could drop you off" Aseeyah suggested.
"No. Not at all. I'm just a few blocks away. I'm just gonna walk instead"

"But you just got dry. Besides the last thing we'd all want is you falling sick from the cold"

"No it's fine, really" I declined but it didn't seem like they were taking that as an option because Asaad had walked across the room and worn on his coat and brought out his car keys.

Before anyone could say anything, the doorbell rang and Asma went towards the front door.

I turned, wondering who it was. Probably their parents. How weird would it be to have their parents see me at their place by that time of the night? They would probably think I was irresponsible or something.

I felt eyes on me and I turned to see Asaad glaring at me.


Okay but I'm pretty sure I did not do anything to this guy!

I thought we have passed this whole glaring stage anyways?

Seriously dude, you're freaking me out!

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