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              Dedicated to imanibakir13

I know it's hard to forget someone you care about because when you've built a home out of someone....that kind of connection never goes away.
It stays with you whether they leave or not.
~rm. Drake.



After that evening I spent with Asaad, I went home and asked for permission to sleep over at Imaan's place. It was pretty normal for us to have sleepovers but I knew my mother knew I was doing it because I wanted to escape, firstly because of my dad and secondly, I needed time to accept the painful reality about her health.

The night was short. I only got to sleep when it was a few minutes to fajr prayer and I was the least excited for school.

I couldn't help but realize how difficult it was to try to move on with life when you weren't fine, when you were watching everything fall apart.

"You're sure you're fine?" Imaan asked me for the millionth time as we headed for our next class.

"Yeah" I mumbled the same answer I kept on giving her.

The class was boring and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I had kept on looking around but I didn't see Asaad which only made matters worse for me. I couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't in school.

After spending time on the rooftop, he suggested we go home since it was getting late. I didn't want to , either because I enjoyed the place, I didn't want to go home or I just wanted to be around him. Or all.

He had shown me his house before he dropped me at my place. Turned out he lived a few blocks away from me and I didn't know if that made me happy or sad.

I didn't realize it was already lunch time until Imaan waved in front of my face.

"Earth to Elham"

I blinked.

I needed to stop zoning out.

"Uhh yeah" I said weirdly. I didn't want her suspecting there was something up with me but at the same time, I knew it was obvious that I wasn't fine and I couldn't do anything to hide it.

I was going to speak when Asaad passed our table. Our eyes met for a second before I quickly looked away. He didn't look sick. Well he did look sick, but a bit better than usual. And I couldn't smell the usual 'cigar' smell.


My head snapped towards her. She had obviously noticed the look him and I shared.

"Yes?" I cleared my throat, moving in my seat.

"You're not telling me something"

Haha, I'm not telling you a lot of things actually.

"Why say so?" I asked her, my mind still on Asaad.

"Hello! It can't be anymore obvious that you're not okay"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't worry about me"

"Oh please"

"Elham Arab. How've you been? It's so nice finally talking to you again. It's been how long? A week?"

I shook my head, rolling my eyes. Imaan looked like she was already running out of patience and as if she was gonna slit the girl's throat any moment.

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