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Elham's POV

It was Thursday already. The week had been smoother than I actually expected regarding people's reactions to the incident at Farhanna's birthday party.
The only battle I was now fighting was internal. Between me, myself and I.
I had lost an interest in basically everything, especially school. I wasn't concentrating in classes, overdue homeworks, wasn't even doing anything about my project which was due in a few weeks, plus I was studying for the upcoming school tests.
I also had a horrible time at home, locking myself up in my room and literally eating nothing but apples. My mom tried creating conversations but it always failed because I was never in the mood, not to talk of the fact that I still wasn't able to reach Sufyan on the phone and neither could Imaan.
Imaan was trying her best to see that I was happy. Always cracking up jokes and telling me some stories,  taking me out for walks and buying me ice cream (which I never ended up eating completely).

Asaad was still absent from school and deep down, I knew it was getting me worried but I wasn't going to admit that. Not yet at least.

I was in up in my room as usual. I had reached home not too long ago and prayed my salah. I decided to recite a few chapters from the Qur'an before sprawling up on my bed.
Can't even remember when last I had actually laid the bed.

I was staring at the ceiling, in silence. Wondering how to pull myself out of this. How to make myself feel again, smile again. If I continued like this, I knew my grades in school were going to drop woefully. Maybe Ummi was right, not telling me she had blood cancer was probably the safest thing for me. But it was important that I knew too. I sighed. I knew ignoring her was so inconsiderate and unthoughtful of me. I knew it hurt her, it hurt me too, but I wasn't just ready to actually face reality.

For how long could I avoid this though?

I turned to my side, staring blankly at the door until it slid open slowly. It was my mom. She poked her head in, as though she was scared that I'd push her away before stepping in completely.


I didn't reply her, I only forced a smile.

"I brought you some food. I understand you need some space and all. But if you love me, do eat please. You're hurting yourself way too much. It's not healthy" she set the tray on my bedside drawer before taking a few steps back.

"Also, you have a visitor. Now, I know you're probably in a strop and you don't want to see anybody. Most especially her. But try to be nice okay? Forgive my dear. Imaan told me everything and I know it's not easy but Yasmeen has pure intentions. She seems like a good girl with a sweet heart"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right, like you were in her head"

My mom only smiled.

Imaan and Yasmeen walked through the door.
So this was her plan? Talking Ummi and Imaan into convincing me? Smart.

Imaan and I hadn't walked home together from
School, because well, I had detention.

I sat up.
"I'm gonna leave you girls. I'll be in my room if you need anything" and with that,Ummi left.p

I glanced at the pasta she had made for me. It looked delicious to be honest but my ego wasn't gonna let me touch it.
I looked at the both of them who were staring at me and making weird eye contacts.

I shook my head. "What? What're you doing at my house? Let me guess, you're sorry? Wow I wasn't expecting that. But it's fine you're forgiven we just can't be 'friends' anymore. Now do me a favour," I said flatly, "and leave" I deadpanned, diverting my cold glare to the door.

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