Chapter 1

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Arins POV
I was heading to where we record Doodle Doods. They have me, Ryan, and some other girl that Ross befriended on New Grounds. I'm surprised I've never heard of her honestly. Ross said she has animated some Game Grumps animated, and helped animate some channels such as Eddsworld and Planet Dolan.

"HEY ROSS!" I screamed to Ross.
"Arin, Jesus, I'm right here," I heard a voice mumble besides me.
"Hey, what's that girls name?" I asked genuinely wanting to know.
"(YT/N)? Oh, her name is (Y/n). Why?"
"I just didn't know, does Chris know?"
"Does he have to know?"
"ROSS!" A feminine voice rang through the halls.
We both turned our heads to see a (short/average/tall) woman with (H/l) (H/c) hair.
"(Y/n)?" Ross smirked.
(Y/n) put a hand on her hip and examined her nails.
"The one and only!" She gawked sassily, whipping her head just as sassy, if not more.
"Hey (Y/n), Ross, Arin," Ryan chuckled at (Y/n)s pose, "You guys hungry?"
There was a mix of yeahs and sures.
We all nominated Ryan to go get us Subway sandwiches.

Soon we all got situated on a table in our kitchen.
"Wow, Suzy's good!" (Y/n) blurted examining our kitchen.
We all nodded.
Then (Y/n) broke the silence again.
"So we have the wonderful Ross, majestic Arin, fabulous Ryan, and lil' ol' me?"

Just then Ryan came in and passed everything out and sat next to Ross.
"Wow, is that all you're going to eat , (Y/n)?" Ross asked her.

She looked up from her phone and saw all attention was on her. She obviously didn't like it. She swallowed her sandwich and nervously spoke, "I-I don't eat much when I'm nervous, I might throw up everywhere or something..." she joked... probably.
Ross awed, "You're nervous?" Ryan asked. (Y/n) nodded bashfully.

Then it came to me. Crap!
"Uh hey guys?" I spoke up quietly.
"Yeah?" "Hm?" "What's up?"
"I forgot that I had-"
The lovely Suzy and Barry came in.
"There you are Arin!" Suzy gleamed.
"Yeah... Table Flip man," Barry blurted.
(Y/n) sat there with her mouth wide open before she squeals loudly and brings two fists to her face.
Ryan and Ross can't look anymore confused.
"Oh my god she's so beautiful!" (Y/n) squeaked.
"I agree," I smirked.
"Awwww! Arin can we keep her? Please??"
We all laugh and I stand up, "Do you guys want me to take a break so we could record the Doodle Doods still or-"
"Are you kidding me? Go have fun Arin! Don't be forced to see whatever Ross has to offer!" (Y/n) smiled and fanned her hand toward me, motioning for me to go.
"Yeah, well you should see Chris's little surprises!" Ross said and put his hands up in defence.
"Chris?" Was all I heard before I left the kitchen to cord Table Flip.

Ryan's POV
"Chris?" (Y/n) said,frowning a little but still smiling. I look at Ross and Ross shrugs.
"Who the hell is Chris?" She questioned again.
"Well-" Ross stopped and got a text.
"Just wait a few more minutes," he smirked.
"Nooooo," (Y/n) whined.
I burst out laughing. Ah, curse this dirty mind.
(Y/n) must have caught on, because a curve formed on her lips, and a slight little teensy blush.
Ross was oblivious until-

(So this is my first chapter of my first story.... hope it isn't terrible and I hope it's at least a little creative. Bye)

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