Chapter 3

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After doodle dicks + Your POV
(Also i mention you being short because I'm short and I have no experience being tall SO)
"Ok Chris! I'm going to go eat," I wheezed in between fits of laughter. His bright smile fell into a pout and he looked at the floor, putting his hands behind his back as he rocked back and forth while moving his foot ever so slightly.
"I get it, you hate lil Chris-y," he mumbled in another one of his voices.
I giggled a little before replying.
"No Chris-"
"No (Y/n) you hate me!" He whined in the same voice.
I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat.
"Fine ... I'll stay," I said holding back the urge to smile. I really liked him, not as like a lovey dovey kind of way! I don't think...
"Great!" He chimed. Seconds later I was lifted off the ground and flung over his shoulder. I gave him a squeak a little bit more girly then id wish.
"CHRIS!" I laugh loudly before I gave up on squirming. Then an evil idea pops into my head. I probably look like the grinch with this wicked grin. I reached and slid his phone out of his back pocket, and motioned a man to take it, he was confused but he took it anyways to my liking. We eventually reached a room and he finally put me down.
"Thank you!" I growled sarcastically.
"You're welcome 🎶" (I had to... for the people that get it)
He sang, "stay here I need to get some more people to party with," he added smiling and leaving, making me stand there alone. I looked around a bit before getting bored getting lost in la la land, thinking about how mars is entirely populated with robots. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard faint voices from afar.
"I'm tempted to scare her actually," One stated flatly.
"That would be a terrible first impression!" Another yelled.
I could swear I was rubbing my hands together evilly a few seconds ago.
"HEY!" A voice screamed from behind me.
I screamed loudly before flopping pretending that I died. I used my extremely amazing acting skills to slow down my breathing just enough to make it look like I wasn't. I tried my best to make my limbs basically turn into jelly and to tie it all together- my best zombie face that I could do.
"AH SHIT (Y/N)!" Oh hey, I've heard that voice before... I think.
"CHRIS WHAT DID YOU DO??" Ding ding ding!
"I DIDNT- (Y/N) QUIT FAKING!" Chris yelled shaking me vigorously.
"You KILLED HER!?" A male voice screamed with concern and worry.
"NO SHES FINE SHUT UP" Chris argued.
The room went quiet.
I sprung up and grabbed Chris' shoulders doing the deepest roar I could.
He squealed and pushed me away. I was dying from laughter. He humphed and I noticed the guy he brought with him was the same guy I gave Chris's phone too.
He was laughing with me, that was a good sign probably.
"I regret making you stay longer asshole!" He scolded but joined me and mysterion.
"Anyways, (Y/n), meet Matt, Matt, meet (Y/n)!"
I waved shyly.
"He'll stay with you and shit" he smirked.
I blushed when he said prince. I watched him leave and that's when I turned on my heels facing the exit.
"He'LL sTaY wIf yOu AnD SHeEt!"

 "He'LL sTaY wIf yOu AnD SHeEt!"

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I made Matt chuckle with that.
"He's probably recording his Lets Play shit,"
"He has a channel?" I quizzed him raising a brow showing my curiosity a bit.
"Yeah, OneyPlays,"
OneyPlays... I follow Matt and he ends up leaving me Bach in the kitchen. I take a seat and I pull out my phone, still at a good charge.
I went to google and I typed in
Knee Plays
God damn it auto correct!
Luckily, I think I found it.

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