Moon talk

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  Lutteoficweek Day 2: „You're my roommate and it's way past midnight and you're talking about how the moon must feel insignificant because it borrows light from the sun and this is all very interesting but will you please shut up and go to sleep?" 

Something was different suddenly.

There was an arm rested around her shoulder and her head laid against something that felt softer than the pillow she had hugged previously. It moved too, up and down in a calm rhythm, while lulling her in with a scent that reminded her of Matteo and...

Luna shrieked up.

She found herself on the couch. The TV was no longer turned on and her roommate laid next to her, his eyes half closed, mouth slightly open. Rubbing her eyes, she tried to get rid of the tiredness lingering in her veins.

"Matteo?" Her voice sounded raspy, dry. Said boy grunted, then slowly let his gaze wander to her.

"What are you doing?", she asked, "I thought you were already back and in your bed." He shifted around until Luna wondered if she had imagined sleeping right in his arms.

Something was off, not right about him. He moved lazily, less elegant than she was used to. "Nope, just got home", he muttered. "Hey, hey, don't give me that look, I just laid down, okay? And usually it's you who interrupts my sleep, you owe me this one." The words came slow, stumbling over his lips like a child learning to walk. He seemed more tired than typical for him.

"Wait, you met with your parents for dinner, right? How did that go?", Luna blurted out.

No clues in his expressions hinted at how he felt. The only thing she noticed was a foggy layer clouding his usually sparkling eyes. She knew she shouldn't pay it too much mind, she shouldn't care and worry so much. After all, Matteo was an adult and able to handle himself.

"Well, how I expected", he began, still in that lazy tone. "My dad is sure I'm wasting my life away, my mom doesn't care and I wished I could have had more wine."

Wait, wine?

"What? Matteo, are you – are you drunk?" Okay, he was an adult, but she wasn't so sure about the rest anymore.

It made sense now, the glazed eyes, the dullness he spoke in, the loose laugh he let out now... "I might have had a tiny little bit too much wine, yes", he admitted while he held his thumb and index finger up, mere millimeters away, "A tiny little bit."

Luna shook her head in disbelief. So far, she had only experienced him in a tipsy state, never as drunk as he was in this moment. This time, he obviously had drunk much more than was good for him. "You know alcohol doesn't help at all with your insomnia."

Matteo groaned, "You know being sober doesn't help at all with my parents."

Without ever getting to know his parents she already had decided she didn't like them. Matteo deserved better than them, and since she couldn't change a thing about his family, she at least could give him a hug. She robbed closer again. "That's a horrible coping strategy", she muttered into his chest as she snuggled up.

His hand settled on her waist, right where her pajama top exposed some skin. The small circles he drew sent jolts of electricity all over her body. Why did he had to make her feel like she was drunk too?

"What was I supposed to do, the other one I usually have wasn't there", Matteo pouted. For a second, his touch faded, making Luna long for more immediately.

"Which one? Skating?"

"No, no. I'm talking about the mooooon." A laugh slipped out of his mouth, and it was Luna's favorite one: the one where he gave up all control, the one that came from his stomach and shook his whole body. The vibration reached her bones too, rattling her to the core. Even worse, she felt a blush spreading on her cheeks.

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