A last word

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  Lutteoficweek Day 7: "It's very rude of you to make me fall in love with you. Inconsiderate, really."  

Her parents might have named her after the moon, but all her life Luna heard how she was more like the sun, always shining and warm and genuine, always brightening up a day. However, even someone like her could get mad and Luna was this close to exploding. The reason, naturally, stood in front of her in person of an arrogant Italian boy and wore the cockiest grin she'd ever seen.

"Matteo, what was that supposed to be?", she lamented because he had added some new moves again, and it got on her nerves too much to keep ignoring it. "What did it look like?", he teased her but she refused to give him the satisfaction of another banter.

Instead, Luna rolled her eyes and simply put on the music, hoping he'd get it right this time.

Since Juliana assigned them both the main roles for the next competition, Luna had to put up with twice the amount of training and twice the chico fresa. Now they used the empty rink for the last half an hour before closing time to "get into the story, to feel it", as Juliana put it earlier. According to her, the dance told the stories of two lovers and if Luna was being honest, she felt that part way too well when she skated with Matteo. In fact, she felt it around him all the time, skates on or not.

Okay, maybe not right now, since he drove her insane with his inability to stick to the choreography. Either he pulled her too close or lifted her up or whirled her around when it wasn't what they were supposed to do. At all.

Of course, he repeated these moves and of course she found herself too close to him when they finished the sequence. Looking up, her eyes settled on his lips before she got lost in the sweet comfort of his brown eyes.

Luna broke away.

He had to stop messing with her like this on purpose. She needed to learn these moves by heart if she wanted to impress their trainer and flirting with him certainly wasn't the way to go.

"You can't always do that, Matteo, there are rules. You know how strict Juliana is, you can't just change the steps all the time!", she growled. He chuckled, unnervingly amused. "You need to relax, chica delivery. I'm only improving the choreography."

With crossed arms, she snorted and took a step back, increasing the space between them just to be sure. "Improving? That's what you call it?"

Still nothing but a stupid grin on his face. "Look, I get it", Luna went on, sick of the training, sick of dealing with him, sick of fighting back her feelings, "You don't want me to be your partner, but can't you just tell me now, or go to Juliana and ask if you can skate with Ámbar? You're her little favorite after all, she'd probably do everything for you. But I can't afford to screw up, okay?"

Finally, the grin disappeared. However, the astounded expression replacing it didn't make sense either. "Wait, who says I don't want you as my partner?" Luna huffed. "Well, you certainly act like it."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" He mirrored her, crossing his arms as well, his mouth drawn into a stiff line. She should have seen it coming, Matteo's mood changed faster than the Argentinian weather, but in this moment, all it did was piss her off more. Why did she have to develop these messy, complicated feelings for him?

"It means you're rude," she snapped. A rant built up inside her, one she had no idea hid in her. Like a hurricane in its beginning it spread out until she felt it ripping through her skin. "Rude? Me?", he shot back, obviously offended.

That's when she seriously was done. The most done.

"Yes! You're rude! You stick neither to the rules nor to the choreography and you don't care if that means you're disrespecting Juliana and you always want to have the last word, and then, then you skate around here like you own the goddamn place but guess what? You don't. Or you'll ask me something and expect me to spill out all of my secrets while at the same time you never tell me anything. You're so secretive, like what, I don't deserve to know the real Matteo? Is that your way of telling me I annoy you?"

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