A taken chance and a missed seat

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For the Tumblr Lutteoficweek 2018, Day 1

I hope you enjoy this!


The library is as full as expected on a Thursday afternoon. Students line up on desks, row after row in the spacious hall right behind the entry, and Luna has to watch her feet in order to not stumble over the many backpacks in the way. Every seat is taken, so she hurries past desperate classmates and strangers to the emptier, more hidden corners of the building.

Still no empty seats.

But that's okay, she has her favorite place anyway and it's always free.

Or was.

She curses under her breath and condemns herself for sleeping in and being late to work and then losing track of time over the chat with her prof. It hasn't been her day already, but a taken seat, this taken seat, causes her to regret ever waking up.

With hesitant steps, Luna walks closer. The desk is covered in books and printed papers, and a backpack weirdly familiar leans against the table, not that she gives it too much of a thought, too upset by the fact someone else uses the very same seat she spends multiple hours a day on, every week for months now.

Shit. She knows that person.

Luna freezes on her spot.

More cursing escapes her mouth, this time not as silent as it should be. People turn around from all sides.

He turns around.

A certain spot on her neck catches fire, or that's what it feels like at least.

Even worse, he simply winks and motions her to come closer.

Great, she thinks, this is great, totally great and everything is cool, the universe doesn't hate her, she can handle this, it's not like this stupid thing hasn't faded yet...

"Hi, Luna," Matteo greets her after a glimpse on the curve of her neck that lasts definitely too long and with a grin definitely too obvious. "What are you doing here?"

The smirk in his voice is too much to handle. Supporting herself on the desk, she leans over and lowers her voice. "Matteo, I've been sitting in this seat all semester, so what are you doing here?"

His eyebrows lift in what Luna guesses is a faked surprise. "Oh, is that seat so important to you?"

It's true, that seat somehow is important to her, and not only because it's the perfect workspace for her.

The desk is pushed against the grey wall, no pictures or book shelfs or windows to stare at for hours. It's designed for solely one person, so it's impossible to get distracted by the surrounding students as well – which is probably why no one else ever bothers to use it, but it's what makes it perfect for her to dive into studying too.

And maybe, just a little bit, it feels like her place in the library after the endless time she spent here since the semester started. Not that he needs to know that.

(He probably does, the topic surely came up during the hours of conversations on movie nights and dinner nights and lazy afternoons and grocery shopping and... anyway, he probably knows.)

"Matteo, please." Why give him an explanation when he hasn't given her one either?

"Oh, does it bother you that much, munchkin?" he asks, chuckling.

Of course he's trying to mess with her. Lately it's all he does, but she doesn't have the time for his little games. All she craves is a bath and some ice cream and the sooner she finishes studying, the sooner she can chill at home.

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