Baba Yaga!

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     Around the corner from my house was this old Ukrainian witch named Vasylyna Ivashkov but out of respect my grandmother made me and my mother called her titka I never asked why I just did I wasn't the type of kid who talked back to her grandmother who could quite literally raise hell if she wanted to.  

     She told me it meant aunt in Ukrainian which then made sense to me in most witching societies they younger refer to older, wiser witches aunt or uncle out of respect. Though titka wasn't called a witch in her culture, she told me in Slavic tradition she is what's known as a baba yaga and when grandma found out a neighbor was a witch she flipped I've never seen her so excited before, every time I remind her of that day she always responds with "I was an only child and there wasn't anyone like me growing up so excuse me if I'm happy a witch who also happens to be my age is within walking distance".
     Since then grandma and titka have been partners-in-crime quite literally I might add, they both use enchanted game-boards in order to win Bingo Night at the bowling alley and pull some thug boy's pants up with a flick of the wrist(if you know what I mean;)). With titka grandma finally got a friend so she'd lay off of me for awhile. I remember when my grandma would go over to see titka and would take me with her I was always so excited especially because titka had an entire kitchen full of cookies, chocolates, and Ukrainian sweets and I would sneak out of the living while they were talking and eat them up, even though my stomach would start hurting I wouldn't care I'd just go back the next time and stuff my face. Then titka finally caught me and said "Dytyna no, those are hexed sweets I make for the brats who make too much noise near my window!" after that I didn't eat a single sweet, cookie, or chocolate from titka.
titka - aunt in Ukrainian
baba yaga - a witch of Slavic origin who specializes in hexes, charms, and glamours
dytyna - child in Ukrainian

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