Once A Bruja

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I am beyond normal, I am beyond ordinary
Ever since I could my mother tells me so...

At birth is remember hearing the hissing voices of the Other Side .

"You are a daughter of the sun and of the feathered serpent, if you are not meant to rule them what are you meant for"

I could still hear them in my sleep sometimes.

In 6th grade my lab partner Rico called me a "bruja" because I had braids and the day before I had an Afro. He didn't know anything about weave or black people's hair, but I thought about that word that entire day and when my dad picked me up from the school's Boy and Girls Club I asked him which it meant. On the drive home he told me it meant witch in Spanish and I've kept that word with me ever since.
Gran Ibo - a powerful witch who is the 'Queen Of The Swamp' the place where she resides. Gran Ibo is descended from Igbo Nigerians hence her name and is said to use the herbs in the swamp to heal others.

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