Episode 1 - Millers

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Kim: Look, a house, maybe we can stop there. 

Louis: *looks* Yeah, I think we should too, it's been three days, we need a place to stay and rest. 

Kim: *looks at Eleanor* Eleanor, are you ok? 

Eleanor: *smiles* Yeah, I'm fine. 

Kim: Ok, well we're almost to that house, we'll stay a day or two there for you or until you get better. 

Eleanor: No, we can keep moving, it's fine. *smiles and looks at Perrie* 

Louis: Why do you keep looking at Perrie? 

Eleanor: I don't know. *chuckles* 

Louis: Ok, well... let's get moving then. *leads off* 

All: *follows Louis* 

Harry: *stops walking* 

Kim: What? 

Harry: *in a sarcastic tone* Are you ok? *smiles* 

Kim: Yeah, I'm fine, are you? 

Harry: I think I am, I might want a kiss though. 

Kim: *smiles and walks off* 

Harry: I wasn't kidding. 

Kim: *stops* 

Harry: *smiles and walks by kim* 

Kim: *gasp* 

Harry: Last one's a rotten egg and that's you. *chuckles* 

Kim: *rolls her eyes and smiles* Whatever. 

Derek: *from behind* Put your hands up. 

All: *stops walking and puts their hands up* 

Derek: *turn around* 

All: *turns around* 

Derek: This is my wife and I's place along with our five children, you can't enter. 

Kim: I'm sorry, we were just... 

Derek: Silent! 

Kim: Ok? *looks at harry* 

Jillian: Derek, what are you doing? 

Derek: These people tried to rob us honey. 

Jillian: *looks at the group* 

All: *confused* 

Liam: We haven't even set foot onto your property. 

Louis: Yeah, how's that robbing? 

Jillian: Honey, you can't just aim your shotgun at random people who are trying to survive or coming through. *walks to derek and puts the gun down* I'm sorry about all that. I'm Jillian. *smiles* And this is my husband Derek. 

Derek: We're DJ together. 

Perrie: *chuckles*  

Derek: What's so funny about that huh!? 

Jillian: Please Derek. 

Derek: I'm going inside. 

Jillian: Please, come and stay with us, our house is big enough for you all to join. *smiles* 

Eleanor: *smiles* Thank you. 

Link: Mom! Chris won't give me the flashlight! 

Jillian: Chris! I'm sorry; my kids are very wild around this time. 

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