Episode 4 - WWE Universe

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Kim: Who are you? 

Dean: I helped saved you, I'm Dean. 

Kim: Where am I? 

Dean: You're at my place; my group went out to get more supplies and food. 

Kim: *sits up quick* I have to leave. 

Dean: I would be more careful if I was you. 

Kim: What? 

Dean: There's walkers outside and everywhere. 

Kim: I know that. How did I get here again? 

Dean: You fainted and I carried you here. 

Kim: I seriously have to go. 

Dean: No! You can't! 

Kim: *confused* 

Dean: It's a bit far from where you were. It will take an hour or two to get back there. 

Kim: *panics* I can't be! *walks to the door* 

Brie: *smiles* Oh? You're up? Hi, I'm Brie, this is my husband Daniel. 

Kim: *pushes brie out of the way* 

Brie: Hey! There's walkers everywhere! 

Kim: I have to get back home! *runs off* 

Dean: Where she go? 

Daniel: That way. 

Dean: *runs after kim* 

Kim: *running for her life* 

Dean: *catches up to kim* Hey, hey, hey! 

Kim: Let me go! 

Dean: You need to stay with us, you can't go there by yourself, it's not safe for you! 

Kim: My boyfriend is looking for me. 

Dean: Who knows if he's alive or not. 

Kim: I once believed my husband was dead and at the end, it turns out he was alive. 

Dean: But then? 

Kim: He was killed. *turns away from Dean* 

Dean: Ok, well I'm sorry for doubting you, but please, come back to the universe with me. 

Kim: Universe? 

Dean: It's a long story how that came, but I'll, I'll explain later, c'mon. 

Kim: *walks back with Dean* 

Nikki: *talking to john* 

Kim: *sees nikki* Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. 

Nikki: *gives kim a confused look* 

Kim: I pushed you away? 

Nikki: I never met you before. 

Kim: *gives nikki a dead look* 

Brie: *smiles* Hi, you must have mistaken my sister for me. 

Kim: Twins? 

Nikki: Oh, so you're the girl my sister was telling me about. 

Kim: Must be. 

Nikki: Come join us ladies over here. 

Kim: Ok. *walks with nikki and brie* 

John: How'd you get her back? 

Dean: Piece of cake. *walks off* 

Nikki: So, tell us your name. 

Kim: I'm sorry, how rude of me. *chuckles* I'm Kim Thee... Styles. 

Kelly: Kim Styles, that's a great name. *smiles* 

Maryse: Seem like you were going to say something else. 

Kim: I was married, but my husband got killed and I took my boyfriend's last name. 

Eve: So what? You just decided to have his last name without marriage? 

Nikki: Eve! That's rude to ask. 

Eve: No, I just want to know. 

Kim: Um, yeah, I guess so. When you really love someone, you would change anything to be and have with him. 

Eve: Ok. 

Brie: Well, since we know you're name, I'll introduce us, I'm Brie, and this is my twin sister Nikki, that's Kelly, Maryse, and Eve. Welcome to WWE Universe Kim. *smiles* 

John: Nicole. 

Nikki: Yeah? 

John: Food's ready, come eat. 

Nikki: C'mon girls, let's go eat. 

Kim: *grabbing a plate* 

Dean: Hey. *smiles* 

Kim: *smiles* Hey. 

Dean: You ok? 

Kim: I am now, thanks. *smiles* 

Dean: Listen, if you ever need anything, you can talk to me ok. 

Kim: *chuckles* I can't talk to a stranger you know. *smiles* 

Dean: *laughs* Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Dean, and you are? 

Kim: I'm Kim Styles. Mrs. Styles. *smiles and walks off* 

Zack: Mrs. Styles huh, she's cute. 

Dean: She's married, did you not hear... wait? Kim! 

Kim: *turns around* 

Dean: *walks to kim* I thought you said your husband died? 

Kim: He did. *smiles and walks off* 

Dean: *smiles and shakes his head* 

John: Hi, I'm John, you must be Kim correct? 

Kim: Yeah, I'm Kim, how do you know my name? 

John: I'm Nikki's boyfriend. She would like for you to join her and the girls at the table. 

Kim: Oh? Ok, I'll be there. 

John: I'll tell her that. *smiles and walks off* 

Kim: *smiles softly* 

Dean: *watching kim* 

Kim: *looks around at the buildings* 

Dean: Find anything interesting? 

Kim: What was this place before? 

Dean: It's an abandon school. 

Kim: With beds and blankets? 

Dean: That we took from the hospital. 

Kim: Which one? 

Dean: Why so curious? *chuckles* 

Kim: I just want to know. 

Dean: Los Angeles Com... 

Kim: When! When were you guys there?! 

Dean: *confused* Ok? Back when this all started, we arrived there and everyone was dead. 

Kim: I came from there.  

Dean: Oh? Are you ok? 

Kim: Yeah, yeah, I am, it's just... my baby isn't.

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