Episode 8 - Attack At Site

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(The Next Day) 

Walkers: *attacking the site* 

Girls: *screaming* 

Dean: *shooting walkers* 

Harry: *helps shoots the walkers* 

Roman/Seth: *joins in* 

John: *pushes the kids back for safety and shots the walkers* 

Louis: *grabs the baby and Eleanor* 

Derek: *gets attack by walkers from behind* 

Jillian: Derek! 

Chris: Dad! 

Ashley: *cries* Daddy! 

Kim: *feels bad and goes and protects the kids* 

Walker: *attacks eve, mike, Maryse, and brie* 

Bryan: Brie! 

Harry/Liam: *returns with zayn from the store*  

Harry: Shit! C'mon guys! *shoots at the walkers from afar* 

Dean: *accidently gets shot by harry* 

Roman: Dean! 

Kim: *looks back and sees dean on the ground* 

Roman: *puts his gun down* Dean, c'mon Dean, stay with me. 

Kim: Dean! *runs to dean* 

Harry: *runs to dean* Dean, I'm sorry Dean, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were behind the walker. 

Dean: *groans in pain holding his chest* 

Roman: Dean, you're gonna be ok Dean, breath, c'mon 1, 2, 3... 

Dean: *lets out a loud groan* Shit! *twitches* 

Kim: Dean! C'mon, you can't leave me here like this Dean, not after saving me, you can't, c'mon.  

Dean: *staring at the light/breathing softly* 

Kim: *crying* Dean! 

Dean: *hears kim and looks at her* 

Kim: *talking to dean* 

Dean: *hears kim on mute* 

Kim: *sounding muted* Dean, I need you to stay with me, on three, 1,2,3... *pushes against deans chest for air* 

Dean: *lets out a loud another loud groans* 

Kim: Dean? Dean. 

Dean: Kim. 

Kim: *cries* C'mon, stay with me please. 

Walkers: *about to attack kim* 

Dean: *sits up quickly and pushes kim out the way and shoots the walker in the face* 

Kim: *looks at dean* 

Dean: *grabs kims hand and tries to get up* 

Kim: *helps dean up* 

Harry: C'mon, let's go before more comes! *runs off first* 

Roman: *helps kim carry dean* 

Seth: Here, I got it Kim. *helps roman carry dean* 

Kim: *looks at dean and then runs up to harry* 

Harry: *grabs kims hand and runs off* 

Walker: *bites roman on the shoulder* 

Roman: *lets go of dean/falls to the ground* 

Dean: Roman! 

Walker: *eating roman* 

Roman: *gushing out blood/screaming* 

Seth: *shoots the walker and the rest of the other walkers* 

Liam: *helps seth shoots the walkers* 

Walker: *bites liam on the leg* 

Liam: *scream in pain* 

Zayn: Liam! *tries to help liam* 

Walker: *bites zayn from behind* 

Zayn: *screams* 

Louis: *looks back and cries* 

Harry: *wanting to run back* 

Walkers: *eating liam and zayn* 

Dean: *falls to the ground* Roman! Roman!  

Roman: Dean... *reaches out for dean* 

Dean: *cries and reaches for romans hand* Roman, now you, you stay with me. 

Roman: *gasping for air*  

Dean: *cries* 

Roman: *lets go of deans hand and dies* 

Dean: *cries and hits his hand against the ground* Roman! *gets mad and shoots the walker like crazy* 

Seth: *runs back to dean* C'mon Dean. *carries dean and runs* 

Dean: *limps and tries to run* 

Jillian: *crying and holding derek* 

Derek: *transforms and bites jillian* 

Jillian: *screams in pain* 

Chris: *hitting derek* Leave my mom alone! 

Ashley: *holding Jeanette* C'mon Chris! Get Jackson and let's go! 

Walker: *attacking Jackson* 

Jackson: *crying* 

Ashley: *looks* Jackson! 

Walker: *attacks Ashley, Jeanette, link, and chris* 

Kim: No! *tries to run back* 

Harry: *holds onto kim* We have to go, we have to go Kim. *runs* 

Seth/Dean: *catches up with the group* 

John: You alright Dean? 

Dean: Yeah, I just need to rest real quickly. 

Kim: *looks at randy* 

Randy: What? 

Kim: *rips randys ripped shirt* I need this. *walks to dean and ties the cloth around dean* 

Dean: *looks at kim* 

Kim: You're gonna be ok Dean.  

Dean: *looks at kim* How many of us left? 

Kim: *tries to be strong* Nine, nine of us left Dean. *walks to harry* 

Dean: *walks and falls* 

Seth: Dean! 

John: Here, I got him, hop on my back Dean. 

Dean: *throws himself onto johns back* 

John: *carries dean* Alright, let's go.

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