Episode 3 - Lost

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Louis: So, you're pregnant? 

Eleanor: Yeah, I am Louis. 

Louis: After that night?  

Eleanor: Yeah. 

Louis: I don't even remember... Are you sure it's mine? 

Eleanor: Louis, you're the only one I had sex with. 

Louis: Yeah, I know, but I don't remember... 

Eleanor: It's yours ok, just accept that. *walks out the room* 

Kim: Hey? Everything ok? *holding Jeanette* 

Eleanor: Yeah, everything's fine. *smiles* 

Kim: You sure because the last time you said that, you became pregnant. 

Eleanor: I'm fine ok! I'm just gonna go for a walk, my baby needs to be healthy. 

Kim: I'll go with. 

Eleanor: What? 

Kim: *puts Jeanette down* 

Jeanette: *crawls off* 

Kim: You're gonna need help, I don't want you lost again. 

Eleanor: I'm not, they're dead. 

Kim: There can be others... who are just as bad as them. 

Eleanor: Fine, but stay behind me. *walks off* 

Kim: *sighs* I'll be back, I'm gonna take a walk with Eleanor. 

Harry: Ok, be back soon. 

Kim: *kisses harry* Ok. *leaves* I'm really excited that you're gonna be mother. 

Eleanor: Thanks, I wasn't looking forward to it, but I'm happy still. 

Kim: What do you want it to be? 

Eleanor: I don't know and I really don't care, as long as I have my baby, that's all that matters. 

Kim: *stops walking* Can I ask you something? 

Eleanor: *stops* Yeah? 

Kim: Were you raped? 

Eleanor: Me? No, why? *walks off* 

Kim: I need you to tell me the truth. 

Eleanor: Why? 

Kim: Because I was. 

Eleanor: *tries to hide her anger* No, I wasn't. I was just locked up with Zayn and Perrie. 

Kim: *stands in silence* 

Eleanor: *turns around* I'm sorry that happened to you Kim. 

Kim: It's ok, it was stopped by Nick, and rescued by my husband. 

Eleanor: Were you having an affair with Harry before you found James again? 

Kim: Honestly, I don't even know. 

Eleanor: *mad* How can you not know!? 

Kim: Well... I didn't know if James was alive or if he made it out safe. 

Eleanor: *tries not to cry* And did he get out safe!? 

Kim: Yeah he did actually, after a month and a half, I found him. It was like he didn't even... 

Eleanor: Do you think he was a good person when you saw him. 

Kim: I believe so. 

Eleanor: You're stupid Kim, you really are you know that! 

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