The Curse of Cornelius Sigan

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Arthur watched as Merlin ran around making sure that Arthur was ready for tonight's feast. He watched as her hair, kept in a slightly undone braid, bounced on her back with each movement. He watched as her smile only left her face when she mumbled something under her breath.

How?  Arthur thought to himself. How could this sweet, kind, funny, smart, beautiful girl have magic?

He's been watching her ever since he was bitten by the Questing Beast, which was only a week ago. She didn't seem different.

Now that he knew he expected her to change. He expected to see her smirk evilly and catch her in the midst of plotting against him and Camelot.

But. He didn't. She was still that sweet, kind, funny, smart, beautiful girl, that he loved. Yes. He still loved her. In fact, he somehow loved her even more. It gave her a sort of mystery. What else had she been hiding?

Merlin looked up and smiled at him giggling. "What?" He tilted his head confused. "You've been staring at me for the past ten minutes. Is something wrong?"

Arthur blushed and immediately looked away. "No. Nothing." Merlin watched him curiously for a moment more then turned back to picking his clothes.

She finally picked a red shirt that she liked and handed it to him.

"Actually Merlin, I have a question. I want you to answer honestly, even if it's the answer you think I won't like." Arthur then lead her to his dining table and sat her down.

"What is it?" She asked worriedly. Arthur looked her in the eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes, that sometimes turned gold.

"What do you think of m..." He froze. He knew it was true. He knew it. But there was still that small, small, small, small hope that it wasn't.

"Think of what?" She asked, looking even more worried.

"That new knight. You know, Marcus." He blurted. It was the first thing that came to mind.

"Marcus? Well, In all honesty?" She asked and Arthur nodded suddenly intrigued. "Honestly, Marcus is a little creepy. Kind off stalkery." She added after a moment of thought.

"Stalkery?" He repeated and she nodded.

"Yes. Stalkery. He seems to follow me. I don't know if it is my imagination or not but it creeps me out." She explained and Arthur just stared at her.

"Marcus?" He paused trying to imagine it. "Shy, respectful, nice, Marcus?" Arthur just didn't believe it.

"I know! He seems really nice and sweet, he just also seems a little creepy." Merlin defended. Arthur stared at her for a couple more moments.

"Alright." He finally gave in and Merlin smiled.

"Can I go and do my job?" She teased. Arthur dismissed her with the wave of a hand. Not knowing what else to say.


Arthur walked into the dining halls and smiled. The decorations were beautiful. Huge bouquets lined the walls. Each one filled with a verity of colored flowers. Some red, some pink, some yellow, and the rare orange. Not many flowers in the area were orange so seeing some was a treat. The tall windows catching the moon light rarely since the clouds were greedy and keeping it to themselves. It was almost perfect. Everything was in place. Yet, Arthur couldn't help but think that something was wrong.

It was too dark. Arthur realized. He smiled at this discovery, then quickly frowned. How was it too dark? Every torch was lit, every corner touched with light. But everything was dark.

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