i am awake and my body is skipping forwards without my brain but the brain is just a control pad really, so who really cares what it contains?
but it's so much more than that. and people who solely use their brain as a control pad figured out that it's so much more and they're scared by that. and they're putting names to what's inside because their logic is that something is more likely to go away if you find out exactly what it is.
but i don't think that's right. if you put a name to something you have something to call it, something it will recognise. a way to make it follow you. so you have given my brain a name thinking i'm going to be able to control it like your control pads, but i'm really repeating that word over and over in my brain because now that is the only thing inside there and my control pad is jammed.
but what would i know?
that word is the only word my brain is able to contain.so off i go back to the room that i don't remember.
r e m e m b e r i n g;; ;;f o r g e t t i n g
Ficción Generalforgetting to remember and remembering to forget