Chapter 2

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I walked the halls alone after most people had cleared out to set up blocks or collect supplies. I was breaking the Rule of Five, as it had just become to be known. I stopped when I heard my name from behind me. I turned and saw one of my teachers, Brooke Adams, as she jogged towards me.

"It's great what you're doing. I always knew you were a leader," she said with a smile.

"Thank you," I said returning the smile. "But..."

"But what?" She asked as she tilted her head girlishly. That made me giggle a little, I tilt my head like that sometimes. Maybe she picked it up from me, I thought.

"I'm not going to sleep without knowing that my best friend is safe. And my family. We have guns and lots of ammo we could add, if only I could get there." Deep down, there were other reasons, however. People that I wanted to be safe. I thought of different ones then, ones that I wanted to be here with me in these safe, darkened halls.

"I could take you," she said as she pulled her keys out of her back pocket. I smiled wolfishly as we walked to her vehicle.

It was a silent ride, but as we neared my father's house, I could hear the gunshots. He was fighting back, but only him. We pulled into the driveway, and upon first reaction I jerked Brooke's wheel and we skidded into a few of the creatures. My father looked up from his gun as he squeezed off another round into the head of what seemed to be their squad leader.

Time seemed to slow as he squeezed off the last round. I could see the bullet pass through the creatures head, and then hit against the cold stones of the garage behind it. I blinked, not knowing if what I just saw was an induced side effect, or something more. My father looked down at me and smiled as I tossed one of the rifles to Brooke for safe keeping.

"Brad, what are you doing here," he said as he began to reload. I walked up the stairs of the poarch slowly, not wanting to answer.

"Came for you guys and the guns," I said as I pushed past him. "Pack in Brooke's car, and if there isn't enough room, get in the Thunderbird."

"Do you remember the combo to the vault?"

"Fifty, twenty-eight, thirteen," I said as I twisted the selector about. I heard it click and pulled back the door. Inside was a large collection of rifles, pistols, knives, shotguns, submachine guns, and ammo. This collection would do wonders for us, of that there was no doubt. "Take everything you can carry," I said as Brooke and my step-mother walked downstairs. They paused behind me and I heard my step-mother's voice.


"All of it." Within a matter of minites, the vault was empty and the cupboards turned bare. We walked back to the cars with weapons in hand; loaded and ready. My father carried his 30-30 and two Colt revolvers, with a shotgun slung over his shoulder. I had the AK-47, an Uzi, the Colt .45, and an SKS. Brooke Adams, bless her heart, carried three rifles, and two pistols. My step-mother with her club and a 30.06 and a musket. My stepsisters both carried the food we needed, and any extra guns that we had.

I can say that I would have no intentions of attacking us, if I were one of these creatures. With our combined firepower, we would be deadly. Thoughts of my grandparents and mother raced through my head, then thoughts of my family in Ohio, and in D.C. Finally, my best friend, Jolynn. My friends from around the world flashed through my head. Washington state, London, Germany, Canada, and other places. What would become of them, if I couldn't save them? Would I have to live the rest of my life, knowing that they died because I couldn't get there?

"Brad, what about," I cut my father off. I knew what he was going to say.

"We need to get them. Brooke, take them back to the high school, my father and I will get the rest of my family and meet you there."

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