Chapter 14

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The dreams came and went. The girl from Scotland wasn't heard from much afterwards, I feared the worst. Still, every fiber of my being wanted to crush this mothership; but could we do that? We had small arms; pistols and rifles. The Russians had planes and Richard wouldn't tell me what all they had. Armor, maybe? Who knew. I had been thinking of something, however. Something risky and impossiable. I refused to mention it to anybody, I just wanted to write about it.

I had thought of what that thing had told me in my dream. Maybe we need to push, do something...extraordanairy. Yes, that is what we need. I saw targets in my head. Large cities, places of power, seats of government. We could do this, we could...with help. No, not even then. My plan would be impossiable. I heard someone stop at my door and clear their throat.

"Penny for your thoughts," said the voice as it flipped the coin in my direction. I caught it and said instantly what was on my mind.

"We're going to take back Washington DC." I heard the cup smash against the ground and shatter. It would be a suprise, I guess. "Don't look at me like I'm crazy, you know we can do it," I said as I rose and shoved my way out of the room. I walked towards Reed's comm room again, I had a plan. It would fail, maybe, but it was a plan never the less.

"Good morning free world, this is Daniel Reed wishing you all a good morning and a good fight," I walked in now and motioned for the transmitter. "I would be pleased to hand you over to the Honey Badger." I heard shouts of approvel over the radio when he let the button go. I held it lose in my hands before I spoke.

"In the words of the great John Kennedy," I began slowly. "All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin. And therefor, as a free man, I take pride in the words 'Ich bin ein Berliner!' Ladies and gentlemen of the Europe sectors, of all of Asia, I beg you this. Let us have a seat of power, let us have a seat of Reistance!" I was yelling now, the veins in my arms were popping out. I knew that people were listening now, they loved the Kennedy quotes. "My friends, no, my family I beg you now, take up arms against these creatures like never before!  Rain fire from the skies over Berlin, and take back Germany!"

"Comrade, what of DC?" I heard Yuri's voice for the first time in days. I could have swore that he was dead.

"The District of a harder target than Berlin would be," this was the voice of one I had not heard. It was thick yet beautiful. I heard voices, and he responded to them in French. The French! "Friend, once Europe hears your call, they will flock to Berlin."

"That was the plan, I believe. UAV fly overs show that the city of Berlin is safe. Very little alien resistance, but thousands of people still alive." If Richard knew this, then that meant that he knew things that he wasn't saying. I began to slowly not trust him, now. "I saw we move forward with the plan."

"Ich bin ein Berliner," I yelled over the radio. I was shocked by how many voices responded. Hundreds, no, thousands of people must have been listening. I heard approval in at least twenty languages. "After Berlin, we take Moscow," I heard the Russians laugh and throw out thanks. "After Moscow, we take Mexico City. After Mexico City we take New York. By the time we get these places in our pocket, the world will be revolting together. My friends, let's flip the lights back on!"

What I heard next shocked me even more than everything else. There was a voice, nearly silent, but there. All it had said was "Viva la revolución!" Now, we had Mexico and all Spanish-speaking countries ready to go as well.

"This is Honey Badger saying, let's take Berlin!" I closed the radio chat and looked to Reed. "Get me there, now." I don't know how he had managed it, what with all the air cover and whatnot, but someone must have decided I was worth it. In seven hours, I was told to ready myself for Berlin. My group and most of Europe would lead the charge against Berlin. It would fall to us, an over powering wave would bash against it, and it would fall. I only hoped that it would work.

The sound of the rotors is what woke me from my nap. Looking outside, I saw helicoptors. Several of them, here for me and my team. The ramp of a Chinnok opened up, and there stood a man in uniform, holding an M249 SAW. His tag said Richard. He smiled as I boared the chopper, my AK in hand, and my twin swords on my belt. It was going to be a long day. The pilot said something about having to stop for fuel, if things went bad. I didn't want fuel, I wanted Berlin.

"Say it for me," I heard a girl say. I looked over and saw her, her tags said her name was Lowther. "Say what you said before." I put on a smile, and stood up so everyone could see.

"Ich bin ein Berliner!"

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