Chapter 18

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Private James Black's POV

I watched the boy very closely, he was unstable, you could tell it in the way he walked. He held his gun out ready for combat, while the rest of us held them normally. He looked like a feral wolf, not a Honey Badger, but, I guess, you are what you think you are. I think it was the blood on his hands that lead me to believe that he wasn't completely sane at the time.

"Black, watch those corners," my company commander shouted to me as we neared the crash site of the U.S.S.R Volker Hans. I brought my rifle up to my shoulder as we stopped in front of a large blast door that I guess lead inside the ship. "Rameriz, take down this door." My buddy Rameriz jumped in front of me and pulled at the door, when that failed, he pushed it. Still nothing. He stood and thought for a few seconds, assessing it's weaknesses and strengths. He motioned for us backwards.

He pulled his AT-4 out of its canister, loaded it, and fired the launching system at the door. In a shower of sparks, steel, and explosives, the door gave way.

"Am I on point, sir?" Our company leader looked to Cook, who nodded yes. Ramirez was the first in the ship. "Lights on, guys. Its dark in here," his voice bounced off the walls of the ship, boat...thing as we filed in. Cook was in the middle, and I was the man behind him. Out of everyone, I was behind him. His walk was...odd, frightening even. He growled at the noises, the settling of the ship. The sparks.

I don't know how he did it, walking down these paths with no NODs, no flash-suppressors, nothing but his guns and his swords. He was oddly quiet most times, but it seemed that noises scared him. A shower of sparks from a broken computer appeared before us, he drew one of his knives and stabbed the screen multiple times. I don't think he was right in the head at all. His movements were quick , and untimed. I thought on two different occasions that he was going to kill me.

When we came to a large door, he spoke up.

"Rocket-boy, do you have another missile?"

"No, sir."

"No breaching charge?"

"No, sir."

"Better find something before I use you as a battering ram," Cook said as he propped himself up in a corner. Rameriz began to fumble around for anything he could use to break open the door. He found nothing, and began to fear for the worst. That's when I noticed the smell.

"Jimmy, did you shit yourself?" I asked when the smell first hit me. Jimmy disagreed. The smell was...odd. An instant headache hit me, and I almost knew what it was by the time the first guy fell. I couldn't get my words out before someone else did.

"GAS!!" I managed to get my mask on, somehow. I looked around me, my team falling left and right, Cook just walking out of the ship, unbothered by the death around him. I caught up just as the first Delrath appeared. I pulled my gun up and fired, holding it back until he was out of the ship and into the city. I followed his heels, until I felt the pain in my stomach.

My hands went to my chest and wrapped around the blade in my stomach, I pulled it out and felt a boot on my chest, then tasted the dirt as it flew up around me.

"James Black, Private, United States Marine Corps, First Marine Regiment, based out of Pendleton, California, age twenty-three, single with no children. Real, or not real?" Cook had one of his guns to my head now, as if the stab wound wasn't enough? I looked him in the eyes and saw fear, confusion.


"Enlisted in the bodyguard element for Cook. Real, or not real?"


"You're dying of blood loss."


"Your turn," Cook said as he handed the gun to me. I was confused, but held it as he knelt beside me. I put the barrel to his head.

"You are out for revenge, no matter what stands in your way."


"You know more about these things than most people think you do." He hesitated.


"You are unstable, and thrive on blood."

"Real." I handed the gun back to him. He held it for a second, then placed it against my chest. "One day, they will need you more than anyone else, Black. Keep them safe if all else fails," he said as he rose and walked away, dropping a medic kit at my feet.

"Wait!" I yelled as I tried to force myself to my feet. Alas, I could not, so I began to drag myself in the direction he went. I knew that I'd never catch up to him, but I wondered what it was that he meant. I put my hand on my chest when I realized that I could go no further. As I pulled it back, I saw it covered in blood; my blood. I knew that I was going to die, then I heard my name. I looked around, saw nobody. Looked to my radio, it was off. Still heard the voice.

I closed my eyes and waited for a quick death as I heard footsteps nearing me.

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