-Chapter 9-

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-Adam's POV-

     I wanted to keep my eyes open, but the force of the wind caused me to close them. Tears blurred my vision. I rubbed them away to find a sight to behold.
     An abandoned temple lay before us, its walls covered in moss and other species of plants. Off somewhere, you could hear the sound of birds calling out to each other. In the higher part of the temple, it looked to be newer, and there were some groomed and trimmed plants for decorations.
    There was a 10.5" wall that separated us from the inside. It was solid cement and clay. Designs of dragons, mountains, and Koi fish decorated the walls. Some of the images were cracked, others were faded. The paintings done long ago, were almost telling a story of these animals.
    The pathway up to the door was a mixture of sunken cobblestone, dirt, and grass. It crunched slightly when walked on.
Sensei glided forward, his translucent hand reaching the main doors, or should I even call them doors. They were tall brown doors, age visible, with Ivory melted and carved into the wood. Streaks of the material were also noticeable on the brass handles. The pure color swirled in with the darker metal.
     Sensei pushed open the doors, their creaks echoing across the grounds. Everyone wowed at the area before us.
It was a training ground, complete with a parkour course, and some matts nearby too. There was an obstacle course, complete with equipment that would make any Olympic athlete either cry tears of joy or fear.
     Some dummies stood a few feet away from the obstacle course. Potato sacks tied off to create limbs. The material, was coarse and rough.
Two long, racks of swords and shields lay gleaming in the morning sun. Some were new and shined like diamonds, others were dull and chipped in some places.
The whole training ground had a pearl like gleam to it. Sensei walked forward and stood looking at the place in admiration and gratitude.
"This is my child-hood home. It will be your home, headquarters, and training grounds for the rest of your time as gem holders." He smiled.
I walked over to one of the sword racks, my hand tracing the brass work on a shield. I picked it up and held it to see how fitted. The shield was almost as big as my torso, and as wide too. The craftsmen ship on the shaped alloy was incredible.
"Adam, can you come here for a sec?" Sensei beckoned calling my name out. I nodded and set the shield down, and hurried towards the rest of my friends.
"Each of you have been assigned with a certain element or power that resonates solely in your gem." Sensei looked around at us and continued. "Aphmau, your gem holds the power of the ancient Amazon warriors who were strong and brave woman." He continued.
"You also have the power to heal, but using that power too much can cause you have small side affects, such as being light headed, or if used in great abundance in a short amount of time, passing out. Use wisely when it's needed." Sensei smiled looking Aph in the eyes.
      "Ross, your gem holds the power of water and ice. Because you have the power of water, you can walk and breath on water and under water." Ross had a twinkle or wonder and excitement in his eyes.
     "Max, your gem resonates with fire, lava, ash. This allows you to be fireproof, and also allows you hold and shape lava." Sensei smiled at Max's grin. "I guess you are really a hothead." I said while receiving a glare of annoyance and a teased smile from a Mad Max. Aphmau giggled at my pun, and tried covering it with a cough.
      "Jin, your gem allows you to control weather, lightning, storms, they all can be created. You also have the power to levitate objects around at your will and command."
      "Barney, your gem holds the power to control rocks, creates ridges, form rock formations. You also have the power of creating life, growing plants, manipulating the aging process of a plant, and sensing if there are toxins around you." Sensei explained. Barney was so excited that he was bouncing on the balls of his feet.
      "Adam. Your gem holds the power of super speed, super strength, and super vision.
Super vision you need to use wisely, because if used too much, can cause a head ache and if used even with a headache, can lead to a migraine. Be careful." I stood shocked.
I was able to run, see, and lift things faster than ever before... It's amazing.
      Sensei smiled while looking around at all of us. "With each of these powers, you will have the opportunity to train and practice , and control them easily. With your gems, you also have secret abilities and powers that can be unlocked if activated at the right time." Sensei chuckled at our excited, shocked, and awe-struck faces.
       "Now, all of you get into groups of two or three, and practice your powers, to activate your powers, raise your hand up to your gem, and focus on what you want to summon or create." Sensei walked over to a rock and sat down.
      "On my signal, you all will begin to test out your powers." Sensei looked over at Red.
"Red, I believe you know how your headset works, you were tinkering with it before I appeared to you all." Sensei chuckled at the embarrassed blush that covered Red's freckled cheeks.
   "Get into groups, ready... Set..."

-Hey Guys! Hope you all enjoyed! I've been a little slow with editing and trying to get new chapters out, so bear with me. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
Hugs and Luvs! Bye!

-Crystal 💎

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