- Chapter 34 -

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- Jin's POV - (Let's change things up a bit! ;3)

   I grumbled while trying to find my tea pot and tea leaves. I just wanted some tea, is that too much to ask? I was rummaging through the cabinets and trying to find my belongings. I'm not just addicted to tea, even if everyone thinks that!
  I moved a pan and my eyes lit up with happiness as I spotted the familiar ivory colored possession.
  "Jackpot!" I triumphantly muttered to myself. I was trying my hardest to not make a lot of noise, since Red would be on my ass is I had my hands on tea again.
  I smiled as the comforting coolness of the kettle rested in my hands. I closed the cupboard and checked the hallway out of the kitchen and made my way to my backpack. I grabbed my jacket and wrapped it carefully so the old treasure wouldn't get damaged or cracked.
  I let out a sigh of relief only to be scared right out of my skin.
  "Jin what are you doing..." Adam asked while shooting me a look. I froze and slowly turned to face him. His eyebrow was quirked and he had a displeased look plastered on his face.
   "Um- I- um- shit- Adam please don't say anything to Red or the others!!" I pleaded while I waved my hands around frantically. Adam sighed and rested a hand on his hip.
   "Why are you so bent on being around that tea pot twenty-four seven?" Adam asked while gesturing to my bag. I felt my face pale a bit. I didn't like to bring it up, but Adam was my best friend, he deserved to know.
   I took a shaky breath and looked at the blue and green pools in front of me. I realized I was fidgeting with my fingers, and wanted to stop but kept doing it anyway.
   "You see, that little tea pot holds a lot of value to me." I slowly began. "It belonged to my Grandma, who bought it while she lived in Osaka, Japan." Adam listened intently.
  "She was the one to protect me from the violence of my parents, and to keep me going mentally and emotionally." I added smiling softly at the many hugs and kisses she would give me whenever I saw her.
  "She taught me how to make tea and combine a variety of ingredients to help with common illnesses or colds, and even showed me how to grow some of them on my own." I smiled still looking at Adam.
  My smile faltered as I then thought of my next choice of words. "Do you remember back In middle school, I was acting strange for awhile?"
  Adam nodded. "Yeah, that happened a while ago."
  I sighed. "Well, my grandma passed away that year... And things got harder to deal with physically and emotionally with family and school." I quietly said. I felt a few small tears trickle down my cheek.
  "She couldn't protect me from my parents, she couldn't be there to give me love and comfort." More tears were coming. Remembering all that happened, pain I tried to conceal was bubbling over from the years of keeping quiet.
"T-that teapot is the last I have o-of h-her..." A sob escaped my lips and I could feel my composure breaking. I rubbed at my eyes. "I-I'm sorry f-for crying-."
  "Don't." My eyes widened with surprise. I looked up to have a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around me. "Don't ever be sorry for the pain and grief you deal with." He said holding me closer. "Don't be sorry for crying or showing emotion." His hand cupped the back of my head. "I wish you would have told me what was really going on sooner Jin, it destroys me emotionally and mentally seeing you in this much pain." Tears were streaming down my face, my hands shaking while returning the hug and holding Adam closer.
  "You are one of my closest friends, hell, you are my family." He said pulling apart and resting his hands on my shoulders. His eyes were filled with kindness, empathy, and pain. Some small tears were leaking at the corner of his eyes. I was in shock. Adam never cried, in all of the years I've known him, he never showed sadness openly. It hit me. He- he truly cares about me and everyone that much? To the point of his own emotions and thoughts being affected?
"Please never be afraid to tell me what you are going through." He looked down for a moment. "If I had only known what your parents were doing to you, I could have been there and stopped it sooner..." Adam quietly said. His eyes met mine again. I felt my heart-beat quicken. He was being so genuine and kind.
"I will, thank you Adam." I said smiling and sniffing lightly. Adam chuckled and brought me in for another hug. I felt a shock through my body, and I felt warm and bubbly. What was happening? Why do I feel all weird? Adam released himself from the hug and smiles warmly at me. I feel my heart beating quicker at his action. W-What's going on?

"Let's go find everyone, we need to get back to our world and get some rest." Adam said while turning and beginning to walk towards the nearest hallway. He stopped and turned back around. His eyes met mine again, his hair moving over his shoulder, since it was in a low ponytail. I felt my face go warm again.
"You coming?" There it goes again, my heartbeat is quickening. Why do I feel so strange? I mentally shook my head. I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah, let's go." I replied while following him.

- Hey guys! Crystal here, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Magical Blood! The next chapter will be a lot longer and more detailed, I've been prepping chapters in advance and going through and writing them offline on here. So in short more chapters are coming! I hope you all are having a great day or night, wherever you are, and leave a rating and a comment and let me know your thoughts and opinions of the story and chapter so far. I would love to hear opinions and ideas! Thanks again, love y'all! Bye!

- Crystal 💎💖

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