More Than My Damn House

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After first period, I obviously went to second period.

I went to the seat I sat in yesterday and put my head down. Of course I had my headphones in.

Suddenly, there was a hand playing with my hair.

"Get the fuck off me." I say and look behind me. I take one headphone out. There was this douche behind me.

Basically, an average jock. He looked like he was quarterback. Brown hair, dark forest green eyes, and he was about 5'9 maybe 5'10.

"Hey there. You new here?" He asked.

"Yea. And?" I ask, taking both my headphones out.

"Just wondering why," he slides into the seat next to me, "a pretty girl like you is sitting by yourself." By this time, a lot of kids in the class were watching us.

"Because I'm not a desperate hoe who is waisting my time with you. You, as in a fuck and chuck boy." I say.

He laughs, "Damn girl! Calm down! Feisty! Just asking a question!"

"Actually you were making a statement. Now, because you didn't get the hint the first time, imma be blunt. Get lost. I'm not interested."

He laughed again. "You know you want this."

"Actually, I do want you," i pause, "to get fucking lost. Or, to jump off a cliff! I like the last one!"

He glared, "No one rejects me."

"Well she just did. No go." Someone said. Looking forward, I see some guy. He was one of the guys in Dante's little group.

The Douches eyes widened. Almost falling out of his chair, he left.

I laughed because he hit his leg on a desk.

The guy from his group came and sat next to me. "Did you just get rid of him to annoy me instead?"

Chuckling, "No. Dante asked me to look over you."

"Ah. So where's the ass now?"

"Planing a way to apologise to you, actually." He informs me.

"Ugh. Can't be just leave me alone?" I ask.

"Nope." Smirking.


"He'll have to explain it to you. It's not my place too."

I take a deep breath.  "Okay."

"I'm Duke, by the way." Smiling at me.

"Tru." I say.

"You liking it here so far?" I laugh slightly.


"Sorry to hear that."

"Not your fault."


Me and Duke talked a lot during class. He was actually really cool and funny.

I met up with my friends and got our food and sat down.

"So how do you know Dante?" Jake asked, furrowing his brows.

"He was messing with me in class. But yesterday, some ass was trying to mess with me and he helped." I shrug and take a drink of my Brisk.

(A.N: for you losers who don't know what Brisk is ice tea and is my addiction! You're not losers if you don't know what it is. ;) )

"Oh. Ok." Gabe says. They all look dumbfounded.

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