Streets (Pt 1.)

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Trus POV. 

"I only call you when it's half past five. The only time that I'll be by your side. I only love it when you touch me, not feel me. When I'm fucked up, that's the real me. When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah. I only call you when it's half past five. The only time I'd ever call you mine. I only love it when you touch me, not feel me. When I'm fucked up, that's the real me. When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe. I'mma let you know and keep it simple. 

"Tryna keep it up don't seem so simple. I just fucked two bitches 'fore I saw you. And you gon' have to do it at my tempo. Always tryna send me off to rehab. Drugs started feelin' like it's decaf. I'm just tryna live life for the moment. And all these motherfuckers want a relapse" 

Me, Jay, Ronald, Reggie, and Raymond were screaming lyrics to The Hills. I had on black sunglasses and the sunset was in front of us. We got off the freeway and I was dancing a little as I drove. 

The sunset was beautiful. The clouds were a mix of purple, pink, and orange. The clouds to the side looked like a rolling ocean. The sun was about to set but not really a sunset.

Reggie was on the floor, squished between everyone's legs. 

I stopped singing and pulled over, next to the field. 

The light shinned down on the grass and it looked amazing. The sky seemed as though it was shinning down on the Earth and it looked rather... beautiful. The grass was sharp and a beautiful deep green.

I cut the engine and Dantes deep voice asked me why we had stopped, "Because this is beautiful," I said looking out the window. I got out, smiling and grabbed my phone. 

As I walked out to the rich, green field, the boys filed out. As I was walking down the small hill, leading to the flat ground. 

Suddenly, I was picked up and I laughed. I was put up on someones shoulder, my legs draped over his shoulders.  Looking down, I found Dante staring up at me, smiling. I looked up at the sky and smiled. "Stand here and stay still." 

I grab my phone and takes a picture. The picture captures the beauty of the field. The sun shines through the cloud and showers the field with the glorious light. It highlighted the glass and its beautiful color. 

Smiling, I look down and at him and he smiles back. The boys were tackling each other like morons but it was really funny. Reggie pulled away and snatched my phone. 

"Hey!" I said, laughing, feeling light and good in the moment. Dantes hands dangled on the shins of my legs.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, Reggie took a couple of pictures. I looked down at Dante and I laughed again and I didn't really know why, given the circumstances. 

Jay jumped up. "Hey!!! I wanna be in it!!" He ran up and stood next to us and smiled. Reggie took another couple more and as he did, Raymon and Ronald. Then He made it a selfie and added himself in it. 

Suddenly, I was being passed around. I took a pic with each boy and I was on there backs with each pic. At the end, I ran up and took a couple of pics of just the boys. 

Dante of course was in the middle. Jay was on the right along with Reggie by him. Raymon and Ronald were on the left. After a couple of different pics and was satisfied, we stopped.

They kinda feel like my best friends and my family. We stopped and walked back to the car. Dante walked up next to me. His large, tan hand, engulfs mine. I looked up at him and blushed. 

He smiled his white pearly smile at me and pulled me into his side and wrapped his muscular arms around my shoulders. Smiling, my body melted into his side.

We kept walking and he kissed the top of my head. We pilled back into the car and blasted music.

By the time we had arrived, the sun was almost completely set. The sun was just barley shining down on the little hood that is where I came from. 

The lights lit up as we entered the better part of the uptown. The buildings of steel stood tall and proud. 

As I continued into the place I knew so well, the poverty became more visible. I bit my lip, embarrassed. 

We drove down West Broad. On that street, there were things such as my elementary school.  There was a fence that surrounded the school, suffocating it like a prison cell. 

The red brick stood tall, looking rough from time. 

They staired out the window, watching everything go by. We stopped at the stop sign and I waited for a hole to slip through and go. (A:N; That's what he said *Cough cough* I mean... Hi) 

While we waited, a prostitute walked up, and knocked on the window. I rolled down the window. Her hair was in messy, loose curls. Her face is heart shaped, roman nose, large green eyes, straight eyebrows, and thin lips. She was wearing a crop top that says "BIG GIRL" on it with a pair of short shorts. She then wore heels. She actually didn't look very bad.

"Hey doll faces," Her voice was like southern but ghetto at the same time. She looked at the boys in the back and I cocked my brow. Her eyes locked with mine. "You look familiar... where have I seen you before?" 

I thought, "Do you know Joseph Davis?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, that's my father." She gasps. 

"Oh my goodness, hun! I haven't seen you since you were a kid! I know you don't remember me, but me and Robin used to watch you and- Ugh!" She squealed. "I gotta go, but hit me up- Oh and by the way, Ricardo is lookin for you." She hit the side of her car lightly, and looked back as cars began to pull up. "Be save youngin'. See ya."

She backed up, and looked out. I seen a gap and drove through. "Who's Robin?" Dantes voice spoke up and asked. 

"Old family friend. She watched me when I was little but she's a prostitute. But she's an amazing person." I said and he nodded. 

I turned onto the busy street. After a bit more driving down the poverty street with the boarded up homes. 

The streets were rocky. 

Finally, I pulled up into the lot and parked the car, killing the ignition. "I'll be back." I said, getting up. I grabbed my wallet and walked in. I walked up to the building. After a talk with the clerk, I found out that I could get 2 rooms for 105 dollars. 

I paid and collected the key cards. I walked out and the boys were out of the car, standing around.

"Hey, I got the rooms. Lets go." Dante grabbed my hand and walked with me. I let it be and walked to the third floor. The room was just about the pool. I unlocked room 304 that showed the suite, "Heres your guys room," I walked to my room, 311, and unlocked it "and mine."


I hope you liked this chapter!

If not, dats cool too.

So this was supposed to be published yesterday, but I got in school suspension for a fight and then found out my boyfriend was cheating, so yay. 


Eat chicken Nuggets cuz dey da bomb

Laters my Lovely Smurfs


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